Search found 20 matches

by relayman
Sat Nov 23, 2019 7:16 pm
Forum: FMX
Topic: Rio 10.3.3
Replies: 4
Views: 30068

Re: Rio 10.3.3

Just FYI - i'm not 100% sure this isn't a problem on my end. I did the same thing on a 2nd dev box (removed Rio 10.3.2 and installed 10.3.3 via ISO) and then did the 2 runs of TeeInstall.exe. On this 2nd machine i get no error messages when i open an FMX project that uses TeeChart and it builds and ...
by relayman
Sat Nov 23, 2019 5:45 pm
Forum: FMX
Topic: Rio 10.3.3
Replies: 4
Views: 30068

Rio 10.3.3

Hi - i've upgraded to Rio 10.3.3 and then ran the TeeInstall.exe in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\Steema TeeChart Pro VCL FMX 2019.28\Delphi26 folder. I ran TeeInstall.exe twice (the uninstall and then install). Upon opening Rad Studio C++ Builder i get the following error popups: http:...
by relayman
Thu Oct 17, 2019 7:10 pm
Forum: FMX
Topic: Remove circle around polar chart
Replies: 4
Views: 24560

Re: Remove circle around polar chart

Thank you Yeray! Your comment about cast made me realize that earlier in my code i'm adding a polar series so i just did the "hide" in that code block:

Code: Select all

TPolarSeries *series1 = new TPolarSeries(Form1);
thanks again,
by relayman
Wed Oct 16, 2019 9:44 pm
Forum: FMX
Topic: Remove circle around polar chart
Replies: 4
Views: 24560

Re: Remove circle around polar chart

Hi Yeray - i can't figure how to do that in C++Builder. I've got Series[1]-> but there is no CirclePen property. Not sure how to get to it in C++.
by relayman
Wed Oct 16, 2019 2:35 am
Forum: FMX
Topic: Remove circle around polar chart
Replies: 4
Views: 24560

Remove circle around polar chart

Hi - how can i remove the black circle that borders a polar chart?


thank you,
by relayman
Fri Oct 11, 2019 5:52 pm
Forum: FMX
Topic: Mix builds?
Replies: 1
Views: 16893

Mix builds?

Hi - is it possible to use both the Lite and Pro version at the same time? I'm working in Rad Studio 10.3 (Rio) and i'm trying to avoid the memory leak that is still present (introduced at v2017.22 - The Lite version that ships with Rad Studio covers 9...
by relayman
Fri Oct 11, 2019 5:17 pm
Forum: FMX
Topic: memory leak on iOS with teechart (FMX, C++)
Replies: 10
Views: 43747

Re: memory leak on iOS with teechart (FMX, C++)

By modifying the "19.0" key as here:, i was able to run the installer without any errors. However, i still just have the "TeeChart Lite FMX Components", no Pro. So, looks like still need help installing this older Pro build for use with R...
by relayman
Fri Oct 11, 2019 3:07 pm
Forum: FMX
Topic: memory leak on iOS with teechart (FMX, C++)
Replies: 10
Views: 43747

Re: memory leak on iOS with teechart (FMX, C++)

Hi Yeray, I just now purchased the Pro version so i can create polar plots. I downloaded that older version (v2017.21) to avoid this memory leak. When i install i get an error message, "TeeChart files to AUTO install cannot be found." I click OK and it finishes, but i don't get the Pro features in R...
by relayman
Fri Sep 20, 2019 2:58 pm
Forum: FMX
Topic: memory leak on iOS with teechart (FMX, C++)
Replies: 10
Views: 43747

Re: memory leak on iOS with teechart (FMX, C++)

Hi Yeray,

Did you have a chance to try building and testing with v2016.17.160129 to see if it runs without memory leak?

thank you,
by relayman
Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:48 pm
Forum: FMX
Topic: memory leak on iOS with teechart (FMX, C++)
Replies: 10
Views: 43747

Re: memory leak on iOS with teechart (FMX, C++)

Hi Yeray - thank you for looking into it. Can you try building and testing with v2016.17.160129 to see if it runs without memory leak?

best regards,
by relayman
Thu Sep 05, 2019 2:20 pm
Forum: FMX
Topic: Access violations C++ Builder Rio and Android
Replies: 8
Views: 33047

Re: Access violations C++ Builder Rio and Android

Thanks Yeray - since the topic shifted to the memory leak i made a new thread, "memory leak on iOS with teechart (FMX, C++)".
by relayman
Thu Sep 05, 2019 2:08 am
Forum: FMX
Topic: memory leak on iOS with teechart (FMX, C++)
Replies: 10
Views: 43747

Re: memory leak on iOS with teechart (FMX, C++)

Ok, this looks like a memory leak bug introduced sometime AFTER TeeChart Standard version v2016.17.160129. This is the lite version that comes free with Rad Studio 10.3.2. I uninstalled my licensed copy of TeeChart Standard VCL/FMX released May 30, 2019 - Build 2019.27.190530. Then, uninstalled/rein...
by relayman
Wed Sep 04, 2019 11:50 pm
Forum: FMX
Topic: memory leak on iOS with teechart (FMX, C++)
Replies: 10
Views: 43747

Re: memory leak on iOS with teechart (FMX, C++)

I've tested and the memory leak is not in ScrollBox, it is in the TChart. In the attached project (zip) i simply added a timer that moves the TChart up and down every 0.1 seconds. After 2-3 minutes it crashes on memory error on iOS with no user input after clicking Button1. On Win32 memory is stable...
by relayman
Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:58 am
Forum: FMX
Topic: memory leak on iOS with teechart (FMX, C++)
Replies: 10
Views: 43747

memory leak on iOS with teechart (FMX, C++)

I'm experiencing crashes of my app with Xcode Console reporting as EXC_RESOURCE -> myappname[5548] exceeded mem limit: ActiveHard 1400MB (fatal) . I created a simple project to reproduce the error and it crashes too (attached code). Below are snips from the Xcode Console output. I get tons of assert...
by relayman
Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:47 am
Forum: FMX
Topic: Access violations C++ Builder Rio and Android
Replies: 8
Views: 33047

Re: Access violations C++ Builder Rio and Android

Forgot to mention that i'm using registered version of TeeChartVCLFMXStandard-2019.27 and i'm building in C++Builder in Rad Studio (10.3.2).