D2005 Architect under Win XPsp2, update 1 previously applied. Today I applied D2005 update 2, and now when I load Delphi I get this message: "Failed to load C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart 7.04 for Delphi 2005\Delphi9\Assemblies\Steema.TeeTree.Vcl.Design.dll. The type initializer for "Tree...
Would like to draw LARGE LETTERS on a chart. With my standard chart the SVG export (using TeeSaveToSVGFile) works okay (I saw the thread from July 2004 from pdprog, and 7.04 still has problems with text orientation). My main concern is that when I have a ChartAfterDraw event, and use TextOut to draw...
Just upgraded from version 6 to version 7 (7.0.2, actually). The TChart in my application is not working as it did in version 6 - specifically, the pen settings are not being applied in drawing the series. Is there a list of known issues that one should expect in migrating an app from version 6 to v...