Hello I found the following problem: If the highest value in a series is horizontal line (not a single point), then this line will not be drawn. You can reproduce it by adding a TChart to a form and put the following code into Form_Load Me.TChart1.Walls.Visible = False Me.TChart1.Aspect.View3D = Fal...
Hello Narcis Thats not what I wanted, sorry. Maybe I described my problem misrepresent. I know how to set the position of a axis, what I wanted is a easier way to calculate the correct position of the axes, so that they dont overlap. The property "tChart1.Axes.Bottom.AxisPen.Width" only shows the wi...
Hello Narcis Thank you again for your answer. I always ignored the "IAxisSize", maybe because I presumed its a interface not a public integer. I hope you accept my excuse. So the space above the axis is Axis.IEndPos - Axis.Size May I ask you for another hint for calculating axis position. Because I ...
Hello Narcis I still have serveral problems to place the custom label at the correct position above the axis, because the number and position of the axes are variable (user can make series and axes (in)visible). So i have between 1 and 10 axes on the left side and the legend above. The problem is th...
Hello I have a problem with the ChartListBox. When more items are in there and MultiColumn is true, more items are on the same position. To reproduce, make a new VB.Net project, add TChart and a ChartListBox, that is not to big(f.e. width:300 and height:76) and add the following code to Form_Load: C...
Hello Natalia I dont know exactly, where your problem is (what means "I need to find the cursor", because the cursor remains on the same position. FollowMouse=False only when you dont move). But I think mostly my bad English is to blame for. But you're right: my workaraound solves only the problem, ...
Hello Natalie I have the same problem and I solved it with a workaraound. Dim x_old As Int32 Dim y_old As Int32 Private Sub TChart1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles TChart1.MouseMove If e.X <> x_old Or e.Y <> y_old Then Me.CursorTool1.FollowMo...
Hello Am I the only, who had this problem? You can easily create it. Make a new projekt, put a TChart on it and implement a event, where the legend appears and disappers. Look at the bottom axis and its labels. They moving up and down and the way they move is not the height of the legend. Example-Co...
Okay, I tried something different and it seems to work. Dim ChartAreaWidth As Int32 Dim ChartAreaXInterval As Double Dim XIntervalPerPixel As Double Dim XValue As Double ChartAreaWidth = (TChart1.Chart.Width - CInt(TChart1.Chart.Panel.MarginLeft + TChart1.Chart.Panel.MarginRight)) ChartAreaXInterval...
Hi Narcis Its me again ;) Okay, its getting nearer. I get the right value, but only for 1 series and only, when cursor is near the series. The advantage of the cursortool-code is, that I get the value, no matter where the cursor is AND (for me important) I get the values of all series at the same ti...