Search found 27 matches
- Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:45 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Memory could not be "read"
- Replies: 8
- Views: 15482
- Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:11 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Memory could not be "read"
- Replies: 8
- Views: 15482
Memory could not be "read"
Has anyone had a chance to look at this recently? I posted a sample where the error was occurring.
- Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:44 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Memory could not be "read"
- Replies: 8
- Views: 15482
Memory could not be "read"
I have an application that is generates the following error upon application shutdown. The instruction at "0x504982d" referenced memory at "0x0e4324ac". The memory could not be "read". My application consists of a VB.NET form hosting a VB6 (sp6) built OCX that contains TeeChart V6. The OCX does not ...
- Wed Oct 06, 2004 6:51 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Teechart V6,0,0,4 with .NET
- Replies: 1
- Views: 6500
- Wed Oct 06, 2004 2:40 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Teechart V6,0,0,4 with .NET
- Replies: 1
- Views: 6500
Teechart V6,0,0,4 with .NET
I'm attempting to use V6.04 with a .net application. I've included a referrence to the TeeChart6.dll and created the objects as: Dim objChart As New TeeChart.TChartClass However when I try: objChart.Legend.Visible = False I get an error message: Run-time exception thrown : System.InvalidCastExceptio...
- Tue Apr 27, 2004 7:52 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: issues teechart <--> windows 2003 server
- Replies: 13
- Views: 26150
- Tue Apr 27, 2004 6:42 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: issues teechart <--> windows 2003 server
- Replies: 13
- Views: 26150
The cab example and teechart work fine. I can see the graph and play with the four buttons on the example. The problem I'm running into is in our application when our page loads (has multiple charts on it) and I call: objChartLoad.Import.LoadFromURL(sChartVal) I get a javascript error "Wrong *.tee f...
- Mon Apr 26, 2004 3:47 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: issues teechart <--> windows 2003 server
- Replies: 13
- Views: 26150
Unfortunately it doesn't work. If I hit our site under IIS 5.0 it downloads the cab because my activex settings allow it. I then delete the activeX file that is downloaded, reboot the machine and make sure there are no other teechart referrences. When I hit the same site running under IIS 6.0 the ca...
- Thu Apr 22, 2004 2:37 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: issues teechart <--> windows 2003 server
- Replies: 13
- Views: 26150
Is there anything that needs to be done with adding the .tee extension to IIS 6.0 to get the files to download? I've tried playing with all the settings and I have 2 issues under IIS 6.0: 1) the cab file does not download or install the teechart control 2) if I go to another site and get the cab to ...
- Wed Apr 21, 2004 7:22 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: issues teechart <--> windows 2003 server
- Replies: 13
- Views: 26150
Teechart and Windows 2003 Server
I know we are running into an issue. We just loaded our web application on a 2003 server for the first time and teechart files are being generated by the server but the teechart.ocx file is not being downloaded to the client machine through the cab file. I'm sure its an issue with some permissions i...
- Wed Mar 17, 2004 8:58 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: LineSeries Getting AXlabels and AddArray
- Replies: 3
- Views: 11546
Ok I figured it out. I add the arrays using AddArray and then go back and for each point that I want to set a mouse over I call teechart.series(0).pointlabel(p_nLocation) = some_string_value It achieves what I want it to. But it would be nice when adding arrays if you could specify a third array to ...
- Tue Mar 16, 2004 4:23 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: LineSeries Getting AXlabels and AddArray
- Replies: 3
- Views: 11546
When I refer to XLabel I don't mean the label for the X axis, what I mean is the Const ALabel in function AddXY(AX, AY: Double; Const ALabel: WideString; Value: OLE_COLOR): Integer; However in the description it denotes this field as the AXLabel which is the same as the ALabel above. Description: Th...
- Mon Mar 15, 2004 10:32 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: LineSeries Getting AXlabels and AddArray
- Replies: 3
- Views: 11546
LineSeries Getting AXlabels and AddArray
For our charts we previously used AddXY and set the AXLabels to a value that we later pull out and use for a mouse over for the charts. We recently switched to using AddArray's for performance improvement on both lineseries and fastline series. I know AddArray does not support setting an XLabel like...
- Wed Mar 10, 2004 9:06 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Axis Label is overlapping Axis Title
- Replies: 2
- Views: 8862
Axis Label is overlapping Axis Title
Has anyone seen this behavior before. I am generateing a chart that uses strictly custom axes, and when the chart is generated the axis label is overlapping the axis title. This makes the axis title unreadable. I have the title size property for each axis set to zero, I tried setting this to another...
- Wed Feb 04, 2004 9:02 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Alt-Space No longer brings up menu
- Replies: 6
- Views: 16486
Alt-Space No longer brings up menu
Thanks, its working now. I was using 6.0.3