I saw that TeeChart is very much used in Delphi and VB applications.
Is there any report of this problem for these applications or is it a PowerBuilder specific problem, please ? This could help us find the level al which it crashes.
Search found 10 matches
- Tue Nov 14, 2006 8:44 am
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: T-Chart crash
- Replies: 7
- Views: 11219
- Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:38 am
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: T-Chart crash
- Replies: 7
- Views: 11219
- Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:08 am
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: T-Chart crash
- Replies: 7
- Views: 11219
Hello again, I'm back to business, and this error (previousely posted by a colleague) is still there. We're using a TeeChart ActiveX controll embedded in our big PowerBuilder application, therefore I cannot provide any sample code. The chart has been embedded in a container (PowerBuilder user-contro...
- Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:29 am
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: T-Chart crash
- Replies: 7
- Views: 11219
T-Chart crash
Hi there, I'm using the T-Chart v6.0.0.4, and this seems to crush my program. Description: after intialising the chart and fast closing its window, it comes a win32 errror. I think this is caused by the Chart (but it could be my programm also). If you have any ideea how I can overcome this I would b...
- Tue Jun 22, 2004 8:11 am
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Gauge Series
- Replies: 1
- Views: 4744
Gauge Series
Using the TeeChart 6 ActiveX, I'd like to use the Gauge series to display some values.
But with certain sets of values (Minimum = 0, Maximum = 200, Value = 15, TotalAngle = 90) , it displays too many gradations, looking really cluttered.
Is there a way to prevent / tune this ?
Thank you.
But with certain sets of values (Minimum = 0, Maximum = 200, Value = 15, TotalAngle = 90) , it displays too many gradations, looking really cluttered.
Is there a way to prevent / tune this ?
Thank you.
- Mon Jun 21, 2004 11:30 am
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Gradient.MidColor active
- Replies: 3
- Views: 6842
Thank you, I already tried that. But I actually don't want to set any color in the Middle, just to have a gradient from start color to end color, without any middle color. In the TeeChart v6 ActiveX Demo , browsing to Previous Version - New Chart Tools - Mark Tips, then pressing Edit for the chart ,...
- Mon Jun 21, 2004 5:52 am
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: TeeChart Help File
- Replies: 6
- Views: 11864
I had the same problem. Seems that some of the links for v6 still go to the v5 document. I just copied the help file ("C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro v6 ActiveX Control\Docs\TeeChartx6.hlp") as TeeChartx5.hlp in the same directory and now it works just fine. This is just a hack, of co...
- Fri Jun 18, 2004 11:21 am
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Gradient.MidColor active
- Replies: 3
- Views: 6842
Gradient.MidColor active
I'm currently using the TeeChart6 ActiveX version, and I'm playing with the Gradient properties. In the TeeChart Pro AX v6 features demo, I've noticed that the Gradient (for the Series or for one of the Walls etc.) also have a checkBox which sets weher the Gradient.MidColor is active or not. I could...
- Fri Mar 19, 2004 8:12 am
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: print problem
- Replies: 1
- Views: 6039
print problem
We developed our application around the TeeChart v6 Beta version before we've got the registered one. Now we are using the TeeChart6 Activex. We were using the IPrinter.PrintPartial Method, but with the new version it cannot be found anymore , also BeginDoc and and EndDoc fail. Are there any differe...