I have also the same problem with TeeChart7.07. I use BSB6 and TQRChart flickers in design time and run-time. I used TeeChart7.06 before (same problem).
Hi, I successfully again compiled an existing project (with TeeChart4.04) after the installation of TeeChart7.06 (TeeChart7.06Builder6.exe). Error message (Debugger exception) with the start of application (into German): Exception der Klasse EReadError: 'Fehler beim Lesen von Chart01->Legend.Shadow....
Hi Marjan, the entries in Registry seem to be corrected? Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\C++Builder\6.0] "UseSharedFiles"="TRUE" "Version"="CSS" "App"="C:\\Programme\\Borland\\CBuilder6\\Bin\\bcb.exe" "RootDir"="C:\\Programme\\Borland\\CBuilder6" ... "Update ...
Hello, the new Installer does not recognize the correct BCB version. <-- Installer: "Borland Builder 6 Standard version found" Your Borland Builder version level is "Standard". Borland Builder Standard version does not include QuickReport, Database support and Decision Cube packages. For this reason...