Search found 5 matches
- Tue Dec 19, 2006 2:28 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: is there a way to calculate this?
- Replies: 9
- Views: 13878
how AxisSize is negative
on create form chart. RecalcWidthHeight;//initialize cahrt bounds. chart.autorepaint:=false;//no auoto everything is zero: IStartPos, IEndPos,IAxisSize. becasuse no painting occurs for a Horizontal axis: Arect:=chart.BoundsRect;//i.e: arect=(0,0,500,500) in axis.AdjustMaxMinRect(Arect): Procedure Re...
- Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:45 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: is there a way to calculate this?
- Replies: 9
- Views: 13878
AdjustMaxMinRect calculates IAxisSize
I use a simple method: Chart.Autorepaint:=false; .... set chart operations ..... Chart.Autorepaint:=true; Chart.Repaint; I need to set IAxisSize on loading, because I use some functions and properties: axis.CalcPosValue, axis.increment, axis.setminmax. if IAxisSize =0 then CalcPosValue is always zer...
- Tue Dec 19, 2006 9:05 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: is there a way to calculate this?
- Replies: 9
- Views: 13878
How can we set AdjustMaxMinRect by EndPosition&StartPosi
I need to calculate IAxisSize for some calculations for drawing. But, I need to before draw. Also, I dont want to paint chart for twice, since program slows down.
For AdjustMaxMinRect, if we supply a rect calculated by EndPosition&StartPosition properties, then we have a non zero IAxisSize.
For AdjustMaxMinRect, if we supply a rect calculated by EndPosition&StartPosition properties, then we have a non zero IAxisSize.
- Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:15 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: on TChartAxis.Assign, OnDrawLabel event may be assigned too
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3785
on TChartAxis.Assign, OnDrawLabel event may be assigned too
I think for copying an axis:
on TChartAxis.Assign, OnDrawLabel event may be assigned too.
on TChartAxis.Assign, OnDrawLabel event may be assigned too.
- Thu Nov 23, 2006 7:50 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Candle stick bars overlap
- Replies: 4
- Views: 7343
calc Candle.candlewidth for not overlapping
I tried to do below code onbeforedrawchart event: Numpixels:=abs(scandle.CalcXPos(scandle.LastValueIndex)-scandle.CalcXPos(scandle.FirstValueIndex))+2; PixelPerbar:=math.Max(1,trunc(Numpixels/NumBars+1)-Scandle.pen.width-2); if pixelperbar>=20 then Begin scandle.CandleWidth:=20; ENd else Scandle.Can...