Hello, I need to allow panning huge amount of data in series, and so TChart is running slowly.. It would be ok, but I also need to catch a moment, when panning is done, and that time onAfterDraw event is not consistent which final state of Chart.. This causes inactual behaviour of procedures in onAf...
Hi, In teeTree you can make your own shapes and show them in the editor. The shapes in the teeTree library can function as an example, eg TreeUML.pas, TreeTransit.pas. However, for your purpose, there is no need to create a custom shape, since teeTree2 already has a shape which fullfills your needs...
hi, i was wondering if is there some simple way to create a shape and include it into toolbar in editor... problem with this shape is that it will show 4 different texts and 4 colors -------- | val1 | |-------| | val2 | |-------| | val3 | |-------| | val4 | --------- thanx ivan kovacs
Hello, Imagine this situation: there are cca 1000000 values given and you have to add marks for few points(cca 5-10%). The only possibility i know about is to set for each point Series.Marks .visible:=true(or false). and then, TSeriesMarks.Visible:=true; This takes a lot of memory and computing time...
Is there any possibility to change a color of individual points
in FastlineSeries? I tried properties ColorEachPoint,ValueColor and
function Add(x,'',color), but they they don't work and color of point
is still the same . I'm using TeeChart7 under Delphi7.