Hi, I am using TChart1.Series(currSeries).Add Val(tmpArr(i + 1)), str1, getColor(i), whereby str1 is declare as string in VB6 & contain chinese character. But it end up displaying 'Thai' character like string in TeeChart. I am using TeeChart Pro v5.0.6. The component works perfectly in english for y...
Dear Sir I did download the evaluation version of v7 and make another OCX build by VB6 SP6. I try to put this OCX to asp.net & VB.Net. Too bad the memory error still occured! That is abit hard for you try to solve the problem I did mention without give you any simple application or source code. I di...
Is not the Perpective problem. because it always is 0. We did solved it TChart1.Aspect.Rotation = 360 Anyway the pie chart should able display nicely in any degree. Can split the Pie chart into multi page. because sometime we need to display alot series in chart, that is not enough space for me to d...
We are using tee chart v5. I'm so sorry because i can't send you the P&C project. however can we use instant msn messager or net meeting so that we can disscuss more details? my msn messager is [email protected]
Hi, Error happen when i include Tee-chart into OCX( VB6), program is using vb.net . then when we close the window form, it prompt out a memory error message and close all the running program( HTML Page) . We include some animation function into tee-chart also. The Error sometimes happen, sometimes n...
I downloaded the maintenance before it already, but the problem insist.
Have you tried to create around 10 something series, and change it to horizontal bar?? The event not fire when i doing as this.