Search found 14 matches

by John Lott
Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:53 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: One point plotting on top of another
Replies: 3
Views: 5151

The point that I want to find is not the first point

This works great if you only have the two points. However, the point I want to find is not the first point, but towards the middle. I have included the sample program that I am using to try and find the correct point. What am I doing wrong? Thanks! Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sen...
by John Lott
Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:15 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: One point plotting on top of another
Replies: 3
Views: 5151

One point plotting on top of another

I have a point series that has two points with the same x and y value. When they are plotted they are plotted on top of each other. I would like to be able to tell there are two points there, so I would like the one on the bottom to big bigger in diameter. I am using circles,, tchart version ...
by John Lott
Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:03 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: Multiple Series with Markstip
Replies: 1
Views: 3874

Figured it out

This code is in my mousemove event. I needed to be able to set all point series to have markstip on them. I did not want any of the line series that were plotted as well to have markstip. So I find out first if the series is a points series. If it is a point series I set the markstip.series to it. S...
by John Lott
Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:06 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: Multiple Series with Markstip
Replies: 1
Views: 3874

Multiple Series with Markstip

I have two series for each set of data. One line series and one points series for each set of data. I may have five different sets of data plotted on the same chart. I only want the markstip to show up for the point series. How do I get all the point series with markstips? Here is the code: Dim a As...
by John Lott
Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:19 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: What is theequivalent function in .net for getmousepoint in
Replies: 1
Views: 3814

What is theequivalent function in .net for getmousepoint in

the active x version. I am trying to upgrade a program and it uses GetMousePoint and in the .net version 1 and I can't find the equivalent function.
by John Lott
Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:20 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: Data will plot as 3d points but not as 3d surface
Replies: 10
Views: 11633


The original values were in meters and were converted to inches. In the example of 19.85 = 3.937 * 5 actually is .5 meters * 39.37 = 19.85 inches app. My thinking now is that a. my x's need to be integers or least something with a common divisor b. my grid needs to 650 * 12 which would require a lot...
by John Lott
Fri Jul 28, 2006 2:19 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: Data will plot as 3d points but not as 3d surface
Replies: 10
Views: 11633

3d surface

What does the value 3.937 mean ?
by John Lott
Fri Jul 28, 2006 1:22 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: Data will plot as 3d points but not as 3d surface
Replies: 10
Views: 11633

3d surface

Since my code works okay in teechart version 2.0 and I assume vsnet 2005, does that mean the problem lies in teechart version 1.1*** or vsnet 2003. I did down load and install the latest 1.1 update. What I am understanding is that my code is okay but it doesnot work in the environment I am using it....
by John Lott
Thu Jul 27, 2006 4:05 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: Data will plot as 3d points but not as 3d surface
Replies: 10
Views: 11633

Thanks for looking at my code.

I am unable to find the picture you spoke of.

Could you send me the code with any changes you made to it.

by John Lott
Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:43 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: Data will plot as 3d points but not as 3d surface
Replies: 10
Views: 11633

Data will plot as 3d points but not as 3d surface

In 3d surface the surface plot does not display but if I turn the markers on the marks do display just not the plot.

John Lott
by John Lott
Wed Jul 26, 2006 2:31 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: Have a problem with 3d surface plot in .net 2003
Replies: 1
Views: 3828

Have a problem with 3d surface plot in .net 2003

I add a chart add a 3d surface plot in a button click event I process the following code Dim a As Integer Dim b As Integer Dim c As Integer For a = 0 To 9 For b = 0 To 9 For c = 0 To 9 TChart1.Series(0).Add(a, b, c) Next Next Next I get no plot. I made no changes to the chart other than adding a 3d ...
by John Lott
Mon Jun 21, 2004 8:05 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: upgrading from teechart build 1.0.1189.31308
Replies: 1
Views: 5784

upgrading from teechart build 1.0.1189.31308

I am using 2002 .net with the version of teechart above when I try to upgrade to either the version for 2002 or the version for 2003 teechart can no longer be selected for inclusion in the toolbox and I get an error about the version for the pocket pc missing files or dependencies. Which version sho...
by John Lott
Mon Jun 21, 2004 5:08 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: Smoothing Function
Replies: 3
Views: 8931

Tried code something still wrong

I must have missed something because I am still getting the spikes. The only setting I changed from the default was to set 3D off. ??? John Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim oseries1 As Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Points Dim oseries2 As St...
by John Lott
Fri Jun 18, 2004 2:44 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: Smoothing Function
Replies: 3
Views: 8931

Smoothing Function

I have a series of data with 7 points. I create a second series and set the function to an instance smoothing and point to the first series as data source. I have tried interpolate = true, recalculate, and varying the factor. The resulting plot is has periodic downward spikes. Does anyone know what ...