Search found 9 matches
- Fri Oct 20, 2006 9:11 am
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Export as Jpeg bug with
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3530
Export as Jpeg bug with
Hi, I think I have an issue. With the version, i could export a graph with its legend in a jpg file. With version, when i try : Graphe.Export.asJPEG.GrayScale = false Graphe.Export.asJPEG.CompressionQuality = 100 Graphe.Export.asJPEG.SaveToFile(filePath) I can still export but the le...
- Thu Oct 19, 2006 4:02 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Series Position
- Replies: 4
- Views: 6201
- Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:12 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Series Position
- Replies: 4
- Views: 6201
Hi Narcis, Thanks for your answer. The looping solution seems good to me but i don't see which property check to know the graphical series order. Can i be sure that, in a serie collection, series are often drawn in the same order ? And if this is true, Is the Series(0) drawn first (behind) or last (...
- Thu Oct 12, 2006 2:13 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Series Position
- Replies: 4
- Views: 6201
Series Position
Hi, I have a little question on a 2D Gantt Chart. When you have more than one serie painted at the same chart point / area , is there a way to know which serie is front ? I know that you can use : TChart.ExchangeSeries to permut two series but i'd like to know their order before. To resume, a sort o...
- Fri Dec 02, 2005 1:54 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Runtime error 216 with v7.0.0.5
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4634
Hi Narcis, Thanks for your answer. With my OS, the teechart Edit button doesn't expose his window. I see it on taskbar but can't obtain the window (by click, tab, etc.) It is like editing option was minimized all the time. I tried to reinstall it 2 times but with no change. I will try again with the...
- Tue Nov 29, 2005 8:47 am
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Runtime error 216 with v7.0.0.5
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4634
Runtime error 216 with v7.0.0.5
Hi, We use teechart component for our .Net application. We have severals uses of the component. For one of them, we create a horizontal 100% staked bar and let the user see only a part (a horizontal band) of the component. We use the tooltip tool on it. With v7.0.0.4 it works perfectly. But with v7....
- Tue Nov 29, 2005 8:31 am
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Windowless Activex Controls are not supported.
- Replies: 2
- Views: 5978
Hello Marc, Thank's for your answer. I 've try to reproduce it by open and close some demo projects. It works perfectly. I have not able to leave you an example now, so sorry about this. For this issue (we have an other one with v7.0.05 but i will describe it in an other post), the only thing we do ...
- Thu Nov 24, 2005 1:28 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Windowless Activex Controls are not supported.
- Replies: 2
- Views: 5978
Windowless Activex Controls are not supported.
Hi, We use Teechart 7 (v in a WinApp. The control seems to run perfectly and the corrects results are showed. But an execption is throwed, on the dispose event i suppose. Is is logged by the application. The exception is the TargetInvocationException "Unable to get the window handle for 'Ax...
- Tue Nov 30, 2004 9:04 am
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: MarksTip Shadows Persistent After Mousing Away
- Replies: 4
- Views: 7701
Hi, I have 2 questions about this issue : 1) Is there a way to remove xp shadow style of a markstip ? 2) Can you tell me when this issue will be corrected ? I have seen that if you run the program in "windows 2000 compatibility mode", the problem is corrected but this is not a way for us. Thanks for...