Hi, Is it possible to create my own Hungarian translation of the TeeChart Editor? The current translation seems to be incomplete (if you switch to Hungarian you can find several English words) and I would like to use another expressions too (eg. in lines series: point -> marker etc.). Best Regards, ...
Hi, 1. Open TeeChart Editor 2. Add Line Serie (line1) 3. Click on Series / Format page Border button. 4. Set Style to Dash Dot and set Dash to Triangle. Click OK. 5. Click on Series / Format page Border button. (I tried in Feature Demo: All Features / Miscellaneous / Translations / Edit... button) I...
Hi Narcis, Thank you very much for your quick response. The solution will be the next: I have 3 regions: Over Limit, Normal, Under limit like this: Over Limit ------------------------ limit2 Normal ------------------------ limit1 Under limit I will create 3 line series "Under limit", "Normal", "Over...
Thanks for your quick response, it solved the coloring problem.
Is it possible to change other property of the line (like border width) without adding a new serie? (I think no, because these properties, like border width or style, seems me global for one serie).
Hello, I'm sorry for disturbing you, this is not a bug report, just a question. My problem: I have a 2D Chart with Line serie. I have to mark the line when the values are over a specified limit with a different color line. I had an idea: I create a new Line serie when values are over the limit. OK. ...
Hello, I would like to get some information about this problem as soon as possible because we have to come to a decision which ASP.NET chart component will we use during the development. Our costumers prefer Firefox that's why we must support it. If we can not use zoom feature in Firefox we have to ...
Hello, I created a test web application with WebChart which zoom function works fine with Internet Explorer and Opera 8.5 but it does not work with Firefox 1.0.7 (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; hu-HU; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050919 Firefox/1.0.7 (ax)). I tried your Zooming example but the Firef...
Hello, I created a simple test asp.net 2 application with Visual Studio 2005 RC. There is one WebChart (from Steema TeeChart for .NET v2 Evolution) on the WebForm. When I set the TempChart property to "File" then I get an exception: "System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\Program...
Dear All, TeeChartNetExamples.exe (compiled 03-08-2005) in TeeChart for .NET v2 Evaluation causes 100% processor usage. When I select "All Features"\"Speed"\"Realtime Charting" the program uses 100% processor time and no responding any more. Software Environment: Windows XP HUN SP2 .NET Framework ve...