How to set a scale 1:1 with TChart?
Remark : I've multiple charts in one chart.
Thanks in advance!
Search found 23 matches
- Tue Sep 13, 2005 5:34 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Scale ratio 1:1
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3973
- Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:34 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Each line segment of a series : different color + outline
- Replies: 5
- Views: 8157
- Mon Jul 11, 2005 5:54 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Each line segment of a series : different color + outline
- Replies: 5
- Views: 8157
Hello, Thanks for your quick reply. I would like to do that (sorry it's a draft) : http://www.rodsoft.be/gradient_serie.gif If you don't see it on the forum, you could go directly to : http://www.rodsoft.be/gradient_serie.gif I have Matrix who contains X and Y coordonite. For each coordinate, I've c...
- Mon Jul 11, 2005 11:30 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Each line segment of a series : different color + outline
- Replies: 5
- Views: 8157
Each line segment of a series : different color + outline
Hello, I would like to be able to display each line segment of a series with a color proportionnal (example : gray intensity) to a value stored in a matrix. I try to use "Each color" but when I do it, outline doesn't work ! I've seen this post : http://www.teechart.net/support/modules.php?name=Forum...
- Thu May 19, 2005 9:53 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Fill with color the zone between the graph and horizontal 0
- Replies: 11
- Views: 17164
Ok, I must delete TDownSamplingFunction object in first. And only after do setfunction(NULL). When I zoom, I need a better resolution. I was thinking that put Tolerance to 1 will only display the "average pixel" (with DownSamplingMethod = dsAverage ) on the screen independently of the factor of zoom...
- Wed May 18, 2005 4:20 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Fill with color the zone between the graph and horizontal 0
- Replies: 11
- Views: 17164
- Wed May 18, 2005 3:05 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Fill with color the zone between the graph and horizontal 0
- Replies: 11
- Views: 17164
Hello, I've yet an another problem : I don't find how to delete the object TDownSamplingFunction without generate an exeption ! Here is my code : serie = new TAreaSeries((TChart *)Chart); DownSampling = new TDownSamplingFunction((TChart *)Chart); serie_temp = new TAreaSeries((TChart *)Chart); /*====...
- Wed May 18, 2005 1:38 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Fill with color the zone between the graph and horizontal 0
- Replies: 11
- Views: 17164
- Wed May 18, 2005 10:05 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Fill with color the zone between the graph and horizontal 0
- Replies: 11
- Views: 17164
I'm using C++ Builder 6. I try to to do this : TDownSamplingFunction* DS = new TDownSamplingFunction(Chart); ... but TDownSamplingFunction is an unknow type. Have an idea ? What file should I include ? I don't find the example you've said. The find function in your example application doesn't work f...
- Thu May 12, 2005 11:32 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Fill with color the zone between the graph and horizontal 0
- Replies: 11
- Views: 17164
Hello, I don't understand why you ask me to use a ColorBand tool... It's just a rectangle, no :? ? I've used a TAreaSerie to solve my problem but I've a lot of point to display (~30000). Is it a way to only draw the point necessary (like the DrawAllPoints property available in TFastLineSerie). Thank...
- Tue May 03, 2005 3:54 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Fill with color the zone between the graph and horizontal 0
- Replies: 11
- Views: 17164
Fill with color the zone between the graph and horizontal 0
How to fill with color the zone between the graph and horizontal "0" ?
I've done a picture to be more precis (green serie):

Note : I use Custom Axes...
How to fill with color the zone between the graph and horizontal "0" ?
I've done a picture to be more precis (green serie):

Note : I use Custom Axes...
- Fri Feb 11, 2005 11:15 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Custom Axes : subdivision of "axes"
- Replies: 8
- Views: 12677
Thanks for your reply :D! Your method works but I don't want the text . If I set : Chart->Axes->Bottom->Labels = false; The text is not draw but the litte line too :( I saw on an other post that I can use the event OnGetMarkText . So I would like to draw Text on the bottom Axe. When I use CustomDraw...
- Wed Feb 09, 2005 4:18 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: How to limit the scroll to a range [0,MAX] ?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 8999
- Wed Feb 09, 2005 3:48 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: [ZOOM] Selection rectangle
- Replies: 6
- Views: 11128
- Wed Feb 09, 2005 12:06 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: How to limit the scroll to a range [0,MAX] ?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 8999
Thanks for your reply ! I use C++ Builder 6. I don't know :
I must include a file ?
Thanks for your reply ! I use C++ Builder 6. I don't know :
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