Search found 18 matches
- Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:15 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Axes Labels
- Replies: 6
- Views: 9250
Axes Labels
Hi, I'm trying to make a bar chart with text labels on the left axis. But when i resize the window the label font size is not adjusted. Is there a solution for this problem? Here is some sample code i'm using: InitializeComponent(); chartController1.Chart = tChart1; tChart1.Aspect.View3D = false; th...
- Tue May 12, 2009 3:34 pm
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: ClickSeries event
- Replies: 2
- Views: 5001
- Tue May 12, 2009 12:33 pm
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: ClickSeries event
- Replies: 2
- Views: 5001
ClickSeries event
Hi, I'm trying to get the correct index value of the serie that is clicked at a specific point. But when i use the valueIndex of the clickseries event it doesn't seem to give the correct index value when the serie contains values close to each other (for example if the serie is almost a straight lin...
- Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:46 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Candle (OHLC) axis problem
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4883
- Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:04 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Candle (OHLC) axis problem
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4883
Candle (OHLC) axis problem
Hi, When using the Candle (OHLC) the x axis seems to move a tiny bit (some white space at the begin and end of the graph). This problem doesn't seem to happen when setting: Chart.Axes.Bottom.Automatic = false; or when using: Chart.Axes.Bottom.SetMinMax(chart.Chart.Axes.Bottom.Minimum, chart.Chart.Ax...
- Wed Sep 26, 2007 11:05 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Zoom and Scroll does not work with click series event
- Replies: 3
- Views: 6613
Ordering series
First of all thank you for answering my previous question. I have onother question about combining different serie types. On the left axis I have some stacked series and on the right axes I have some fastline series. Some parts the fastline series are drawn under the stacked series, how can I change...
- Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:49 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Zoom and Scroll does not work with click series event
- Replies: 3
- Views: 6613
Zoom and Scroll does not work with click series event
When i attach a ClickSeries event handler I cant scroll or move the chart when there is a serie below my cursor. This features will only work if the starting point of my mouse cursor is above any white space in the chart.
Can you help?
When i attach a ClickSeries event handler I cant scroll or move the chart when there is a serie below my cursor. This features will only work if the starting point of my mouse cursor is above any white space in the chart.
Can you help?
- Fri Sep 21, 2007 9:47 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Scroll with left mouse button
- Replies: 3
- Views: 6891
Scroll with left mouse button
I have a question on the scrolling functionality.
Default scrolling is enabled with your right mouse button, is there a way to change this to your left mouse button (switch between zoom and scroll mode)?
I have a question on the scrolling functionality.
Default scrolling is enabled with your right mouse button, is there a way to change this to your left mouse button (switch between zoom and scroll mode)?
- Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:32 pm
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: public Void Add(Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Series)
- Replies: 2
- Views: 5648
- Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:55 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: public Void Add(Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Series)
- Replies: 2
- Views: 5648
public Void Add(Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Series)
dear, I Have the folowing problem, I'm using the same data for more types of charts and have the folowing construction: First of all I have my custom series class defined as: public class CustomSeries : Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Series {...} I fill this with data using functions like: Add(datetime, dou...
- Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:32 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Stacked chart doesn't display right
- Replies: 10
- Views: 14581
Interpolate and Extrapolate data
I have been struggling with this same problem and have come to the following solution. Interpolating and Extrapolating the data to make sure all intervals on the X axis will be the same, that will clear this problem as mentioned in the previous post. However I think this should be done inside the te...
- Tue May 16, 2006 2:03 pm
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: TeeChart as a SQL Server 2005 Reporting Custom Report Items
- Replies: 3
- Views: 7295
Thanks Narcis for your reply. I've downloaded the article in the FAQ section. The reports we are offering in our products can be customized by specifiying the start/end date. This can not be done using the article in the FAQ section. At this moment in time, this process can not be completed from wit...
- Fri May 12, 2006 7:21 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: TeeChart as a SQL Server 2005 Reporting Custom Report Items
- Replies: 3
- Views: 7295
TeeChart as a SQL Server 2005 Reporting Custom Report Items
With the new Reporting Server coming with Microsoft SQL Server 2005, there is the option to import so called Custom Report Items. I was wondering if the Steema has any plans to create a TeeChart report item that can be used in SQL Server Reporting. I just don't like the current charting module in Re...
- Fri Feb 17, 2006 2:41 pm
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Stacked chart doesn't display right
- Replies: 10
- Views: 14581
Greetings Narcís, I could not reproduce the problem with the FillSampleValues() method and used the template import method to import the .ten file instead. After that I copy all the X and Y values into the chart and have the problem reproduced. Here is the code I used together with the .ten file: //...
- Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:51 pm
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Stacked chart doesn't display right
- Replies: 10
- Views: 14581
Greetings Narcís,
I uploaded the .ten files at It's a zipped file containing all three series mentioned.
I uploaded the .ten files at It's a zipped file containing all three series mentioned.