Search found 6 matches
- Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:59 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Boxplots and inverted x-axis
- Replies: 1
- Views: 4587
Boxplots and inverted x-axis
There is a problem in displaying boxplots when the x-axis is inverted. The boxes are shifted to the right, but the whiskers remain in the correct place. It looks as if the left position of each box is being calculated using the uninverted values on the axis. This also applies to horizontal box plots...
- Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:51 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Labels in polar charts
- Replies: 5
- Views: 13472
Thanks for the reply. You are right that it works in the code, but it does not work in the Editor, which converts the angle value to an integer. A minor point - setting the angle to 22.5 in code is fine except that the directions NNE, ENE etc are not displayed. Should they be? However, my main quest...
- Mon Oct 16, 2006 2:18 pm
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Labels in polar charts
- Replies: 5
- Views: 13472
Labels in polar charts
I am trying to display custom labels around the circle of a polar chart, to replace the default degree labels. But I can't see how to do this - can you help? I suspect I am missing something obvious! In a Windrose chart, it displays 8 direction labels (N, NE, E etc) correctly, but I cannot get it to...
- Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:06 am
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Legend checkboxes
- Replies: 1
- Views: 4968
Legend checkboxes
The legend options for checkboxes and radio buttons in V7 are very useful. However, if you have checkboxes with all series names selected, and then use the Editor to switch to No Checkboxes, the legend changes to show the values for the first series with radio buttons. Changing back to Checkboxes wo...
- Tue Oct 11, 2005 11:13 am
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: Changing pattern style and color
- Replies: 1
- Views: 4775
Changing pattern style and color
In TeeChart there still seems to be a problem with pattern color, as reported by LundyJ on 22 Dec 2003. Pattern color cannot be changed using the TeeChart Editor. I always get red whatever I do! But more importantly, I cannot get TeeChart to display the pure fill color without some sort of p...
- Tue Oct 11, 2005 10:25 am
- Forum: ActiveX
- Topic: AxisLabels font color
- Replies: 3
- Views: 7594
Axis label font
I have also been having problems with changing the font of axis labels. By trial and error I discovered the trick of doing it by code (change each label separately), but you still cannot change the label font using the Teechart Editor, since this seems to change only .Labels.Font and not the font of...