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by Level IT
Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:14 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: How to truncate legend in a chart?
Replies: 1
Views: 3128

How to truncate legend in a chart?

Hello, I have a problem with large texts in legend, maybe someone has a solution to this problem? The legend is at the bottom of my chart so that is has the maximum width availlable. But sometimes the chart width must be rather small, and TeeChart then hides the legend (or moves it outside the chart...
by Level IT
Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:55 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: valid license could not be granted
Replies: 4
Views: 15547

Thx for answer. I'm not very fluent in english so I'm not sure i did understand well the tutorial. Here's how my application is build: One base.dll that contains my own graph class inheriting teechart. The web.dll for my web application project That call my base.dll Everything worked perfectly befor...
by Level IT
Mon Oct 08, 2007 2:01 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: valid license could not be granted
Replies: 4
Views: 15547

The charts are displaying on my machine because I installed teechart (I think)

So I tried to generate the licences file with the lc command and get the same error...

Code: Select all

D:\>lc /target:MyDll.dll /complist:res/licenses.licx /i:TeeChart.dll
Maybee i did a mistake with this command ?
by Level IT
Mon Oct 08, 2007 1:38 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: valid license could not be granted
Replies: 4
Views: 15547

valid license could not be granted

Hello, I'm trying to build a web site with nant (0.85)... On my local machine, everything runs well and i get graphs on my pages... When publishing on a test server, I get this message all the time:"An instance of type 'MyGraphClass' was being created, and a valid license could not be granted for th...