I have an Problem with TPieSeries if I'm using
multiple pies. Then sometimes some walls in an exploded Pie
are missing.(The wall of the exploded pie-piece).
I have hoped that that is corrected in the new Version!
Is there a Problem known with exploded pies?
Hello! I have an problem: I have two TBarSeries (mbSide). 2D is set. Now I want to insert on every Bar-side 2 different series (PointSeries and ErrorSeries) which will overlay the bars. Is this possible and how can I do this! I have posted an image on your upload page to visualize how this should lo...
Can I use Version 8 for Delphi 7.
When I select "Delphi 7 Update 1" sources,
I get only the Version 7.07!
Is this correct, or can I also use Version 8!
I'm using a TExtraLegendTool in my Chart.
I have set the Text and the Legend is Visible!
But you cannot see the title.
I have tried it at designtime and runtime!
Hi Miroslav, It works fine for me here with v7.07 source code using ChartTool1.MouseDelay . This property is also present in TeeTools.pas. You could try recompiling and reinstalling the packages using the Recompile tool included with the source code installer. Hi Narcis, I don't mean MouseDelay. Th...