Search found 8 matches
- Fri Nov 10, 2006 10:50 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: TContourseries, TColorGridseries and TBitmap in TColorgrid
- Replies: 3
- Views: 7861
- Fri Nov 10, 2006 10:47 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: TContourseries, TColorGridseries and TBitmap in TColorgrid
- Replies: 3
- Views: 7861
TContourseries, TColorGridseries and TBitmap in TColorgrid
I have 3D data of temperature - ie. temperature as a function of spatial position T(x,y,z) and would like to have these data plotted. First I use TContouseries and I would like to have these data plotted as "contineous" data. I have used the following algorithm with series1 as TContouseries: Chart1....
- Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:10 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: TeeChart v8 VCL Beta Released
- Replies: 58
- Views: 121662
Beta tester...
I would very much like to be a beta tester...
my email adress is: [email protected]
Where can I find additional information concerning TeeChart V8 ?? I.e., what addiitonal functions that has been added??
I would very much like to be a beta tester...
my email adress is: [email protected]
Where can I find additional information concerning TeeChart V8 ?? I.e., what addiitonal functions that has been added??
- Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:12 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: When is the next update release?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 10307
Hi Narcis, 1) Where can I find the beta release when it is released? 2) How will I know when it is released - will you send an email? 3) Will the beta release contain the fix for axis title at the depth axis and the different radiues in the bubble 3D graph as mention above here... kind regards - HH ...
- Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:38 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: When is the next update release?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 10307
Hi, I have two things I need to have fixed/made in TeeChart v8 and it is explained in the post: and also written below here: 1) Support the rotation of the title of the depth axis The rotation function is included, but it does not work for version...
- Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:09 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: When is the next update release?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 10307
When is the next update release?
When is the next update relesed for teechart VCL/CLX ?
An update has before been scheduled in the end of september, however, do you have a date at which it will be released?
When is the next update relesed for teechart VCL/CLX ?
An update has before been scheduled in the end of september, however, do you have a date at which it will be released?
- Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:26 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Rotate title at Depth Axis and scale 3DBubble point
- Replies: 2
- Views: 7046
- Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:24 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Rotate title at Depth Axis and scale 3DBubble point
- Replies: 2
- Views: 7046
Rotate title at Depth Axis and scale 3DBubble point
Hi, I have two questions: 1) Does the new version/update (version 7.08) of TEECHART support the rotation of the title of the depth axis? The rotation function is included, but it does not work for version 7.07 2) When using a 3DBubble series and using OpenGl to see the series in 3D, is it then possi...