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- Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:32 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Hit CursorTool with ContextMenuStrip
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1860
Hello again! I found a solution on my own :) Point menuLocation = isgChart1.PointToClient(new Point(contextMenuStrip1.Left, contextMenuStrip1.Top)); for (int i = 0; (i < isgChart1.mCursorCounter) && (hitScooter==-1); i++) { if (((Steema.TeeChart.Tools.CursorTool)isgChart1.mCursorCollection[i]).Click...
- Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:33 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Hit CursorTool with ContextMenuStrip
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1860
Hit CursorTool with ContextMenuStrip
Good morning! I am showing a ContextMenuStrip on my chart when pressing the right mousebutton. What I want now is, that there shows up an additional MenuItem if the mouspointer is located over a CursorTool while opening the ContextMenuStrip. for (int i = 0; (i < isgChart1.mCursorCounter) && (hitScoo...