Thank you Narcís.
But if I need to draw this digital with analog single like the picture.
I can't use tChart1.Axes.Bottom.SetMinMax.
Is HorizBar must start at left or not? How can I do?
I draw a fastline in webchart.
When user zoom the webchart, how can I get the new point index.
If this fastline has 100 point.
And when user zoom the webchart(if user select index 30 to 40).
Webchart will show new scale in point 30 to 40.
How can I know user zoom index 30 to 40.
Please see the step 1.Web page load 2.Zoom the WebChart 3.Click Button1 the WebChrt.Series[0] will change value, but WebChart still in the step 2 zoom scale. My problem is when I already zoomed a webchart, then I update webchart data. But the webchart still in last zoom scale. When I update webchart...
Thank you Narcís,
I knew there is a Zoom sample in file WebAppZoomChart.aspx.
But I can't find any thing about DeterminePostBackModebout int WebAppZoomChart.aspx.
There is a onhelp SetCurrentZoom method. This is the sample code. private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { MemoryStream tmpChart; if (Session["ch1"]==null) { WebChart1.Chart[0].FillSampleValues(); tmpChart=new MemoryStream(); WebChart1.Chart.Export.Template.Save(tmpChart); //save ...
Thank you Narcís:
This code is work. Now I understand your mean.
Export can't Save datetime format string.
We should write double first then transfer to datetime string.
Thank you angan!!
Hi Narcís:
Thank you for reply.
Before I post this problem, I already readed that article.
But I still don't understand how to export datetime text format file.
Will you write some sample to me?
Thank you very much.
I use TeeChart.NET 2.0. I used WebChart and set Chart.XValues.DateTime = true, x value show in DateTime. But when I use Export textformat, the xvalue in file always is float. How can I to write datetime text in file? My code: string filename = Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/chart.txt"); Steema.TeeChart....