Search found 11 matches

by Erison Liang
Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:41 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: Stack Bar chart not work correct in some situation!!
Replies: 8
Views: 8655


I've test the latest version (v3.5.3371.26405) and it works now. Thanks.

- Erison
by Erison Liang
Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:19 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: Stack Bar chart not work correct in some situation!!
Replies: 8
Views: 8655


Yes, I can reproduce it using your form size setting. I use v3.5.3317.17531. Is it the latest one?

And my monitor's resolution is 1400x1050 true color.

Please feel free to let me know what information I have to provide if you need more?

- Erison
by Erison Liang
Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:32 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: Stack Bar chart not work correct in some situation!!
Replies: 8
Views: 8655


I've upload a file "Stack_Bar_Error_sample_with_result_image.rar". This file contains two more images to show what I found. Could you please try it again. Thanks.

- Erison
by Erison Liang
Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:45 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: Stack Bar chart not work correct in some situation!!
Replies: 8
Views: 8655


The file is uploaded.

- Erison
by Erison Liang
Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:39 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: Stack Bar chart not work correct in some situation!!
Replies: 8
Views: 8655

Stack Bar chart not work correct in some situation!!

Hi, I've found a strong problem in TeeChart for .NET v3.5.3317. I create chart using the following code: tChart.Chart.Aspect.View3D = false; //** Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Bar bar = new Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Bar(tChart.Chart); bar.Add(new double[] { 1, 0, 0, 0, 5 }); bar.MultiBar = Steema.TeeChart.Sty...
by Erison Liang
Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:04 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: Why there is no Chart property in WebChart?
Replies: 5
Views: 5677


If SetChart will co-exist in TeeChart for WinForm and WebForm?

- Erison
by Erison Liang
Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:26 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: Why there is no Chart property in WebChart?
Replies: 5
Views: 5677

Hi, Thanks.

- Erison
by Erison Liang
Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:54 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: Why there is no Chart property in WebChart?
Replies: 5
Views: 5677

Why there is no Chart property in WebChart?

Hi, I need to have Chart property in WebChart like it is in TChart control. Is it possible? Currently, we create a customed Chart that inherited from Chart. Now it is not possible to use in WebChart since there is no Chart property for assigning it. Hope you can help me. Thanks. Best regards, - Erison
by Erison Liang
Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:19 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: Zoom doesn't work if series contains very small values
Replies: 5
Views: 5340


It's great. Thanks.

- Erison
by Erison Liang
Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:46 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: Zoom doesn't work if series contains very small values
Replies: 5
Views: 5340


In currently, I try to change the value in Axis.cs as below and it works. You can reference it.

Code: Select all

    private const double minAxisRange = 1E-38;//0.0000000001;
- Erison
by Erison Liang
Wed Nov 19, 2008 6:25 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: Zoom doesn't work if series contains very small values
Replies: 5
Views: 5340

Zoom doesn't work if series contains very small values

Hi, I've the following code to initial line series: line1.Clear(); line1.Add(4.48E-13, "AK945"); line1.Add(4.336E-13, "AK95P"); line1.Add(3.508E-13, "AK98Q"); line1.Add(4.724E-13, "AK9GG"); line1.Add(8.232E-13, "AK974"); line1.Add(4.476E-13, "AK9J0"); line1.Add(4.512E-13, "AK95T"); line1.Add(3.152E-...