Search found 18 matches
- Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:50 am
- Forum: Beta versions
- Topic: Datasource of Silverlight Teechart
- Replies: 9
- Views: 219963
Thanks alot, Narcis. The SilverLight Teechart binding with ObservableCollection is working fine now :D Can I get beta download for Teechart .NET 4 for WPF as well? I have WPF Teechart .NET version 3 which does not support ObservableCollection. We are creating controls for Silverlight and WPF whose A...
- Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:23 am
- Forum: Beta versions
- Topic: Datasource of Silverlight Teechart
- Replies: 9
- Views: 219963
- Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:07 pm
- Forum: Beta versions
- Topic: Datasource of Silverlight Teechart
- Replies: 9
- Views: 219963
Sorry, Narcis. I guess there is some confusion.
I already have TeeChart v4 Silverlight beta provided by Steema Sales team. API documentation is not provided with it.
Isn't there way to bind Silverlight Teechart with some datasource? If yes, What are the datasources which can be bound?
I already have TeeChart v4 Silverlight beta provided by Steema Sales team. API documentation is not provided with it.
Isn't there way to bind Silverlight Teechart with some datasource? If yes, What are the datasources which can be bound?
- Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:50 am
- Forum: Beta versions
- Topic: Datasource of Silverlight Teechart
- Replies: 9
- Views: 219963
Hi Narcis, No, I am not trying as Christopher Ireland's example. I simply want to bind the datasource to Silverlight Teechart. Since Silverlight does not have ADO.Net, Silverlight Teechart can not be binded to Dataset. That's why I am trying to bind it to ObservableCollection. But the chart doesn't ...
- Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:35 am
- Forum: Beta versions
- Topic: Datasource of Silverlight Teechart
- Replies: 9
- Views: 219963
Datasource of Silverlight Teechart
Hi, I am evaluating TeeChart v4 Silverlight. What can be the Chartseries Datasource? I tried to bind Chart Series to ObservableCollection<>, but it doesn't work. ObservableCollection<Customer> coll = new ObservableCollection<Customer>(); //code to fill the collection..... Line lineSeries1 = new Line...
- Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:02 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Datasource of Silverlight Teechart
- Replies: 1
- Views: 5897
Datasource of Silverlight Teechart
Hi, I am evaluating TeeChart v4 Silverlight. I am using Beta version of it. The API documentation is not available. What can be the Chartseries Datasource? I tried to bind Chart Series to ObservableCollection<>, but it doesn't work. ObservableCollection<Customer> coll = new ObservableCollection<Cust...
- Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:32 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: How to imitate MouseHover event in WPF Teechart
- Replies: 1
- Views: 6045
How to imitate MouseHover event in WPF Teechart
MouseHover event is not available for Teechart. 'MouseMove' event can't be used, since it gets fired as your mouse moves.
MouseHover should get fired as you hover the mouse over the point for some time e.g. like tooltip
Do you have any solution for it?
MouseHover event is not available for Teechart. 'MouseMove' event can't be used, since it gets fired as your mouse moves.
MouseHover should get fired as you hover the mouse over the point for some time e.g. like tooltip
Do you have any solution for it?
- Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:19 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Find Nearest Series in case of chart with Multiple series
- Replies: 2
- Views: 9820
Find Nearest Series in case of chart with Multiple series
I have chart with Multiple series. How to find the nearest series for the given mouse pointer position?
I checked the 'NearestPoint' tool which returns the nearest point for given series.
Is there any way to find the nearest series from the given position?
I checked the 'NearestPoint' tool which returns the nearest point for given series.
Is there any way to find the nearest series from the given position?
- Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:12 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: WPF TeeChart - Header Color and TextAlignment properties
- Replies: 2
- Views: 7833
- Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:12 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Find out Series index on Teechart MouseMove event
- Replies: 2
- Views: 9593
- Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:09 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: WPF TeeChart - Header Color and TextAlignment properties
- Replies: 2
- Views: 7833
WPF TeeChart - Header Color and TextAlignment properties
Hi, I am using WPF Teechart. Chart Header Color and TextAlignment properties are not working. Below is the code snippet, i am using to set Header properties tChart1.Header.Text = "Cougar Chart"; tChart1.Header.Brush.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0); tChart1.Header.TextAlign = TextAlignment.Lef...
- Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:13 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Find out Series index on Teechart MouseMove event
- Replies: 2
- Views: 9593
Find out Series index on Teechart MouseMove event
I have chart with Multiple series. Inside MouseMove eventHandler of TeeChart, How to find the series index on which mouse pointer is placed?
- Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:35 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Documentation for WPF Teechart
- Replies: 12
- Views: 33917
- Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:40 pm
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Documentation for WPF Teechart
- Replies: 12
- Views: 33917
Thanks Again, Narcís :D I have one more question. 1) Can we bind WPF Chart to List or Collection ? I tried to do same, but it doesn't work. Since Silverlight does not have, We have planned to use ObservableCollection<T> class, which will be binded to both Silverlight and WPF controls like Gr...
- Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:40 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Documentation for WPF Teechart
- Replies: 12
- Views: 33917