Hi, I have resently been assigned to a project created with an older TeeChart. I am to do some modifications in the program, but are having some problems. (I am using BDS 2006, and have installed TeeChart Pro v8.02). 1) I get the following error: '[C++ Error] test.cpp(49): E2316 'Series' is not a me...
Hi Narcis. I have had a look at thee two threads. But it doesn´t seem to work for me. I still get the error: [Linker Fatal Error] Fatal: Unable to open file 'DB.OBJ' The TeeQR4C10.bpl compiles fine. But the DclTee8QR4C10.bpl keeps giving me the error. Below is listed the contains/requires in DclTee8...
Hi Narcis. I have followed the instructions. I have compiled Tee8QR4C10 succesfully, but when I try to compile DclTee8QR4C10 i get the following error: [Pascal Fatal Error] F1026 File not found: 'c:\program files\borland\bds\4.0\lib\designide.dcp' I have searched for the file on my pc, and it is loc...
I have to do some changes to a program that is made in C++ Builder 5. I can see, that it uses a header file called 'QrTee.hpp'. I have installed BDS 2006, QuickReport 4,07 Pro and TeeChart Pro 8.02. I have followed the installation instructions, and everything went ok. But I somehow can´t find the h...