Another problem, again with the CopyToClipboard(). When using BMP, JPEG or PNG CopyToClipboard, after resizing the underlying chart dimensions and calling CopyToClipboard again, the original image remains in the clipboard, the new dimensions are not used. The easiest was to reproduce this error is t...
Sorry didn't explain very well, the previous TChart release had been un-installed and the new release installed, but for some reason the VS IDE on restart hadn't detected the TChart version change (normally I would expect a missing reference exclamation). It had then somehow bound to a pervious TCha...
Has this item been fixed? There is an entry in the release notes which looks vaguely similar but I am not certain.. If not, do you have an idea when it is likely to be fixed?
I have uploaded a which demonstrates a bug in the ColorGrid pen visibility. When run a ColorGrid is created with Pen Visibility set to false, however a thin semi-transparent grid is displayed. Right click on the chart to bring up the editor and despite toggling Colorgrid Grid visibilit...
The Shape Global Pen Color property no longer works (v3.5.3065.19161). This can be seen in your "Feature Demo" project by Looking at the "Map GIS" demo, clicking "Edit", then attempting to modify the Border color. Notice that if you change the "Width", the chart resizes to accomodate the extra pen w...
As you will see from my original code snippet the shape has just been created.
Are you indicating that by default X Y are now automatically populated with (0, 0) (100, 100) on shape creation - hence the need to call Clear()?
Hmm, just a hunch - in your test code you supplied to me Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Shape shape1 = new Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Shape(tChart1.Chart); shape1.Add(0, 0); shape1.Add(100, 100); Try modifying the coordinates off the origin - use negative values for example.. Does it still work?