Hello Yeray Thank you for your suggestions to improve the export function. For the time being I use the following workarround: I delete the non active series before the export as shown below. Than create the series again. for i := Chart.SeriesList.Count -1 downto 0 do begin if not Chart.Series .Acti...
Hello Yeray, Thanks for your reply. I noticed that in the TChartEditor component you have the oportunity to select all sereies or select one serie (see tab Export, Data). Can this code not be used to add only the active series to the TSeriesDataText component? If yes, do you have an example how to a...
Hello, I'm using the TSeriesDataText to export the data to a text (csv) file. The user can activate and de-activate the series and wants only the active series to be exported. I noticed that all the series (active and de-active) are exported to the text file. Is there a way to only export the active...
Hello, I'm using the TSeriesDataText to export the data to a text (csv) file. The user can activate and de-activate the series and wants only the active series to be exported. I noticed that all the series (active and de-active) are exported to the text file. Is there a way to only export the active...