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- Thu Sep 17, 2009 7:28 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Color Gradient in TGanttSeries bars
- Replies: 3
- Views: 5170
Re: Color Gradient in TGanttSeries bars
Thank you Narcís. In fact, this is what I was suspecting. Ok... but maybe I could use TMapSeries to draw the bars, instead of TGanttSeries. But is there a tool to control dragging and resizing a TTeePolygon of TMapSeries? Something like TGanttTool but for Polygons... I can not get TDragPointTool to ...
- Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:48 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Color Gradient in TGanttSeries bars
- Replies: 3
- Views: 5170
Color Gradient in TGanttSeries bars
Hi, Is there a way to specify a color gradient that is particular to each bar in TGanttSeries? By setting a Gradient to the entire series and "Color Each" bar, I can set a gradient that goes from a standard color (StartColor in the gradient) to a color that is specific to each bar. However, I would ...
Narcis, Thank you again for your help. Yes, your e-mail was sent to the spam folder by GMail. Sorry for not checking that folder. Anyway, I got your file. I tried to install TeeChart 8.02 on Lazarus v0.9.24, using FPC 2.2.0 for Win32, and no success. The first problem is that "TeeChart.pas" is not i...
Hi Narcis, Thank you very much for your assistance. Still, I have not received any .ZIP package from you. I assume you mean you sent by e-mail, right?! Yeah... I double checked and I never received any e-mail from you or from Steema in the last two weeks. Maybe you are sending the e-mail to our secr...
Narcís, I am sorry if I am misunderstanding something, but which *.bat file are you referring to? I do not have this file, although I understand that I would need to change the paths according to where lazarus was installed in my system. Narcís, is there an e-mail address I could use to contact you ...
Compiling TeeChart 8.02 in Lazarus
I read that there is a .bat file that helps compiling TeeChart 8.02 in Lazarus. I would appreciate if you could send me that file along with further instructions on how to use it.
Thiago Rangel
Thiago Rangel