Search found 16 matches

by luzhetsky
Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:39 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: trend line problem
Replies: 3
Views: 3686

Re: trend line problem

Hi Sandra! Unfortunately, wу can't setup TeeChartNET2010Src_4.1.2010.08040.exe - it says "Online Licence activation has failed." We have tried to install TeeChartNET2010Src_4.0.2010.27960.exe - it has been installed ok, but problem is still presenting in this version. We are using Windows XP and VS ...
by luzhetsky
Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:10 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: trend line problem
Replies: 3
Views: 3686

trend line problem

Hi Steema team! Please help us to fix problem with drawing trend line: it is not drawing in right part of the chart. We use v4.0.2009.42281 (in v2010 we see the same problem). We need instructions how to fix it in the sources. Here is a code (draw line after pushing button): public partial class For...
by luzhetsky
Mon May 17, 2010 3:42 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: How to prohibit to draw graph outside axis area?
Replies: 2
Views: 2896

Re: How to prohibit to draw graph outside axis area?


Thank you!
by luzhetsky
Mon May 17, 2010 2:56 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: How to prohibit to draw graph outside axis area?
Replies: 2
Views: 2896

How to prohibit to draw graph outside axis area?

Hi TeeChart Team! We do not need draw graph outside the axis's area (after zoom) in case, if axis does not fill whole height of the chart. Could you please answer how to do it, if it is possible? Code of my sample is: public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void button1_Click(object sender...
by luzhetsky
Fri May 14, 2010 11:58 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: incorrect financial functions behavior
Replies: 21
Views: 12698

Re: incorrect financial functions behavior

TeeChart calculates the highest value for the points of index 0 to 9 and plots it. It then calculates the highest value for the points of index 10 to 19 and plots it and so on. So, as stated, the present High function is already doing the calculation on each point. Every single point in the source ...
by luzhetsky
Fri May 14, 2010 10:49 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: Performance TeeChart 2009 vs TeeChart 2010
Replies: 1
Views: 2135

Performance TeeChart 2009 vs TeeChart 2010

Hi TeeChart Team! We have tryed to use TeeChart 2010 code, but it's performance is significantly slowly in compare with 2009 build! We have built TeeChart lib and our application for x86 plaform and tested it on Windows Vista (32bit) and on Windows7 (64 bit) - in both cases performance of 2010 build...
by luzhetsky
Thu May 13, 2010 2:36 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: incorrect financial functions behavior
Replies: 21
Views: 12698

Re: incorrect financial functions behavior

Looks solution is to inherit Low, High and StD fucntions from Moving - in this case it calculates in expected manner.

Class Moving is inherited from class Function and overrides only DoCalculation() method - looks this is a root cause.

Do you see any problem with it?
by luzhetsky
Thu May 13, 2010 10:10 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: incorrect financial functions behavior
Replies: 21
Views: 12698

Re: incorrect financial functions behavior

Narcís, you should notice that in both type of PeriodStyle StD, High, Low functions calculate with the same manner: on each N points only. Any Techical Analisis tool need caclulation for EACH point: each point data is based on calculation of previous N. Only this we need. Current implementation is w...
by luzhetsky
Wed May 12, 2010 12:12 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: incorrect financial functions behavior
Replies: 21
Views: 12698

Re: incorrect financial functions behavior

Narcís, 1st: number of point should not be multiple of period! It's abcolutelly incorrect requirement for input seria! You can find definition of Standard Deviation in Wiki: Each point of function should be calcula...
by luzhetsky
Wed May 12, 2010 11:10 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: incorrect financial functions behavior
Replies: 21
Views: 12698

Re: incorrect financial functions behavior

Hi Narcís! It's not working! look at the code - I'm using 1000 values: Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Candle candle = new Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Candle(tChart1.Chart); Steema.TeeChart.Functions.StdDeviation func = new Steema.TeeChart.Functions.StdDeviation(); func.Period = 7; func.PeriodAlign = Steema.TeeCh...
by luzhetsky
Tue May 11, 2010 2:21 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: incorrect financial functions behavior
Replies: 21
Views: 12698

Re: incorrect financial functions behavior

As I understand the behavior of Standard Deviation, it shall start drawing from 7th point ( where 7 - is period of StD) and stop on last, but now it starts on 4th point and stops far from last. And BTW, StD uses in calculation MovingAverage function, but I did not found it in TeeChart's implementati...
by luzhetsky
Tue May 11, 2010 1:56 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: incorrect financial functions behavior
Replies: 21
Views: 12698

Re: incorrect financial functions behavior

Hi Narcís! Here is a code and result pic: public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Candle candle = new Candle(); candle.FillSampleValues(); tChart1.Series.Add(candle); StdDeviation func = new StdDeviation()...
by luzhetsky
Fri May 07, 2010 11:52 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: incorrect financial functions behavior
Replies: 21
Views: 12698

Re: incorrect financial functions behavior

Hi Narcís! Looks we have the same problem (set of last points are not calculated and other points calculation looks like with incorrect step) with Standard Deviation Function - I've looked at code, but can't understand what need to be changed - it is not inherited from moving. Could you look at this...
by luzhetsky
Thu May 06, 2010 2:13 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: incorrect financial functions behavior
Replies: 21
Views: 12698

Re: incorrect financial functions behavior

Narcís wrote:Hi luzhetsky,

Or even much easier changing the increment in the for loop from t += P to t++:
Ok, thank you - we will try to change it...

looks loop with t++ should be under if (PeriodStyle == PeriodStyles.NumPoints) and t+P under if (PeriodStyle == PeriodStyles.Range)
by luzhetsky
Thu May 06, 2010 11:05 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: incorrect financial functions behavior
Replies: 21
Views: 12698

Re: incorrect financial functions behavior

'to be fixed for future releases' - it is good, but we have a huge problem with large commercial product with hundreds of customers and we need hot fix for it urgently! Now we can't back to 2nd version of the library. I've wrote e-mail to the (no other official e-mails are availble ...