Search found 4 matches
- Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:42 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Using TChart.Draw() with teechart.pocket
- Replies: 1
- Views: 2492
Using TChart.Draw() with teechart.pocket
Hi, I'm trying to use TChart.Draw() with TeeChart.Pocket with I think the latest version of TeeChart .NET 2009, but seem to only be able to use the Draw(graphics) overload. The reason I wish to use Draw(void) is that I want to avoid drawing the chart to screen twice each time I update it. I am using...
- Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:29 pm
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Rotation performance on a pda/pocket device
- Replies: 5
- Views: 6238
Re: Rotation performance on a pda/pocket device
Hi Sandra, Yes that's basically the same conclusion I had been coming to. For the benefit of others I have found an interesting way to get around this problem. I am using the Tchart's MouseDown and MouseUp events (inherited from Control), to detect when the user wishes to rotate or zoom. On MouseDow...
- Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:51 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Rotation performance on a pda/pocket device
- Replies: 5
- Views: 6238
Re: Rotation performance on a pda/pocket device
Thanks for the reply Sandra. I am using TeeChartNET2009VSNET2008_4.0.2009.62332 (the most recent as of about a week ago), on a Windows 7 x64 PC, with VS 2008. I am a bit confused where you distinguish between version 4 and WinForms... not sure what you want me to do there. I tried using your example...
- Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:04 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Rotation performance on a pda/pocket device
- Replies: 5
- Views: 6238
Rotation performance on a pda/pocket device
Hi, I'm trying to chart at least 6000 (& preferably up to 10000) 3D points using a Points3D series. From there I want to allow the user to rotate, zoom etc to get a feel for the waveform. Although I'm doing this on a fairly high spec'd PDA (HTC HD2), I'm finding the rotation does not run smoothly. I...