This is weird, I am showing up as "Eden". I'll logout, recheck my login settings, and apologies to whoever Eden is.
Search found 13 matches
- Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:41 am
- Forum: JavaScript / HTML5
- Topic: Do data point "clicks" work on mobile devices ?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 15814
- Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:37 am
- Forum: JavaScript / HTML5
- Topic: Do data point "clicks" work on mobile devices ?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 15814
Do data point "clicks" work on mobile devices ?
I'm looking at the demos at, and they look great. One thing important to us is the ability to click on a data point. Using the "Point XY" example , this seems to work great on a browser. But I can't seem to "click" a point on my iPad o...
- Fri May 31, 2013 5:06 pm
- Forum: JavaScript / HTML5
- Topic: Tee.Scroller exclude certain series
- Replies: 3
- Views: 12228
Re: Tee.Scroller exclude certain series
Hi Yeray, I've actually implemented it locally (I'm impatient!), and it's working fine... so here's what I did. I cannot quote exact line numbers or even variable names, because I've of course only got the "compressed" mini-fied javascript files.... In teechart.js, in the code for Tee.Series = funct...
- Fri May 31, 2013 12:18 pm
- Forum: JavaScript / HTML5
- Topic: Tee.Scroller exclude certain series
- Replies: 3
- Views: 12228
Tee.Scroller exclude certain series
Hi, First of all, I'm finding Tee.Chart to be a very nice to use; I've been evaluating it since yesterday. I've been a long time user of the VCL product, but the Javascript version is so much easier to use. Bravo! I have a suggestion regarding Tee.Scroller: it would be nice to be able to flag certai...
- Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:40 am
- Forum: JavaScript / HTML5
- Topic: Null Value & Axes Title Angle and Show Time In Multiple Axes
- Replies: 6
- Views: 20498
Re: Null Value & Axes Title Angle and Show Time In Multiple Axes
Hi,your product is awesome!
When does it maintenance release?
Best Requard!
When does it maintenance release?
Best Requard!
- Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:49 am
- Forum: JavaScript / HTML5
- Topic: Null Value & Axes Title Angle and Show Time In Multiple Axes
- Replies: 6
- Views: 20498
Re: Null Value & Axes Title Angle and Show Time In Multiple Axes
Hi,Yeray In 3rd question,Is any solution to set the line between point B and point D & the line between point F and point H are disable/invisible? var Chart1; function draw() { Chart1 = new Tee.Chart("canvas1"); Chart1.axes.left.title.text = "Data"; var series = new Tee.Line(Chart1); Chart1.addSerie...
- Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:05 am
- Forum: JavaScript / HTML5
- Topic: Null Value & Axes Title Angle and Show Time In Multiple Axes
- Replies: 6
- Views: 20498
Re: Null Value & Axes Title Angle and Show Time In Multiple Axes
Hi, I've ready your reply in Stackoverflow ans1-will fixed it for the next maintenance release ans2-Chart1.axes.left.title.rotation = 90; but question3 still not resolve Eg: var s0=Chart1.addSeries(new Tee.Bar([5,2,null,6,7,null,4,6,5])); s0.title="Sugar";['A','B','C','D','E','F','G'...
- Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:37 pm
- Forum: JavaScript / HTML5
- Topic: Null Value & Axes Title Angle and Show Time In Multiple Axes
- Replies: 6
- Views: 20498
Null Value & Axes Title Angle and Show Time In Multiple Axes
Hi,I'm using TeeChart Javascript/HTML5 code: Chart1.axes.items[0] = Chart1.axes.left; Chart1.axes.items[4] = Chart1.axes.add(false,false); 1.When first loading,it will show Only Chart1.axes.items[0].Title.Text Until MouseMove,it show Chart1.axes.items[4].Title.Text ,Chart1.axes.items[5].Title.Text.....
- Thu Dec 13, 2012 9:43 am
- Forum: JavaScript / HTML5
- Topic: How to format JSON for multi-series data
- Replies: 3
- Views: 13958
How to format JSON for multi-series data
Hi, I'd like to plot a line chart with (x,y) data for several different series on the same chart. I'd like to populate the chart with JSON data so that it can automatically update itself with some AJAX. I'm struggling with the TeeChart documentation as to how to format the JSON. I've been able to ge...
- Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:15 am
- Forum: JavaScript / HTML5
- Topic: Multiple Axes in zooming,Axes's range is strange
- Replies: 1
- Views: 8841
Multiple Axes in zooming,Axes's range is strange
Hi! when I use multiple axes in horizontal zooming ,notice that axes'range is strange.(Use Javascript/HTML5) Example: In Product demo-Multiple Axes Original: 1st axes-range 0~3000 2nd axes-range 0~100 3rd axes-range -4000~1000 4th axes-range -4000~0 when I do horizontal zooming the axes become 1st a...
- Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:15 am
- Forum: .NET
- Topic: Histogram Newbie
- Replies: 9
- Views: 17085
Histogram Newbie
Dear Steema, I'm trying to add values to a histogram where the vertical axis is the count and the horizontal axis are slices from 1 to 360 (which represents degrees of planetary positions in a circle) But when I try and add values to the histogram line type I can't seem to accomplish this: As an exp...
- Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:06 am
- Forum: JavaScript / HTML5
- Topic: TeeChart for Javascript & HTML5 v2012 Release Announcement
- Replies: 4
- Views: 15736
Re: TeeChart for Javascript & HTML5 v2012 Release Announcement
Could we to used TeeChart for Javascript & HTML5 in HTML5 Builder?
And Teechart for Javascript & HTML5 can apply for Eclipse + PhoneGap?
Have "Teechart for Javascript & HTML5" and "Teechart for HTML5 Builder" on comparison sheet?
Could we to used TeeChart for Javascript & HTML5 in HTML5 Builder?
And Teechart for Javascript & HTML5 can apply for Eclipse + PhoneGap?
Have "Teechart for Javascript & HTML5" and "Teechart for HTML5 Builder" on comparison sheet?
- Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:48 am
- Forum: JavaScript / HTML5
- Topic: TeeChart for Javascript & HTML5 v2012 Release Announcement
- Replies: 4
- Views: 15736
Re: TeeChart for Javascript & HTML5 v2012 Release Announcement
"TeeChart for Javascript & HTML5" = "TeeChart for HTML5 Builder"?
"TeeChart for Javascript & HTML5" = "TeeChart for HTML5 Builder"?