Search found 8 matches

by MartinB
Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:16 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: Top Custom Axis Elements are outside chart area
Replies: 4
Views: 7403

Re: Top Custom Axis Elements are outside chart area

The second workaround worked for me, thank you very much.
by MartinB
Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:50 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: Top Custom Axis Elements are outside chart area
Replies: 4
Views: 7403

Re: Top Custom Axis Elements are outside chart area

Hello Sandra, Indeed it is now working better adding these lines : colorGrid1.HorizAxis = HorizontalAxis.Both; colorGrid1.CustomHorizAxis = customAxis; except the labels I add on the bottom axis disappears. I tried to only use colorGrid1.HorizAxis = HorizontalAxis.Both; but this time , if I call the...
by MartinB
Thu Aug 08, 2013 4:14 pm
Forum: .NET
Topic: Top Custom Axis Elements are outside chart area
Replies: 4
Views: 7403

Top Custom Axis Elements are outside chart area

Hello, I would like to add a custom axis on top of my color grid graph, but it seems that the labels and the title of this custom axis appears outside the chart area (above the chart title). I tried to set a different top margin but the only thing it does is adding some space above the chart title, ...
by MartinB
Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:23 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: Contour Scaling Issue
Replies: 7
Views: 11349

Re: Contour Scaling Issue

Thank you,

Best regards

Martin B
by MartinB
Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:41 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: Contour Scaling Issue
Replies: 7
Views: 11349

Re: Contour Scaling Issue

Sorry the file was too big, here it is
by MartinB
Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:38 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: Contour Scaling Issue
Replies: 7
Views: 11349

Re: Contour Scaling Issue

Sure, I attached the project.

You can see that at first, it is correctly displayed, and as soon as I resize the window several "contour1" appear in the legend and I have the scaling problem.

Thank you
by MartinB
Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:15 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: Contour Scaling Issue
Replies: 7
Views: 11349

Re: Contour Scaling Issue

Hello Sandra, thank your for your answer.

Unfortunately, I updated my version to 4.1.2012.1312 and I still have the same problem.

I used your code, and this time I soon as I resize my window or I unzoom, the chart becomes this:
by MartinB
Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:24 am
Forum: .NET
Topic: Contour Scaling Issue
Replies: 7
Views: 11349

Contour Scaling Issue

Hello, I use the WPF version of TeeChart (4.1.2012.09280 ) and I would like to plot a contour type chart. I use a regulard grid to fill the chart, and it seems when the property FillLevels is set to true, there is a vertical axis problem. In fact the value supposed to control the color is virtually ...