Search found 8 matches

by vgromov
Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:47 pm
Forum: FMX
Topic: Link series to the custom data source
Replies: 1
Views: 10139

Link series to the custom data source

I wonder if there is a way to provide data for series from custom source, say, C++ vector? I have data containers in my framework, which provide random point access, minimax calculation, etc. So far, I have to copy data from containers to series XY lists, which is quite waste of memory and CPU. If T...
by vgromov
Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:17 pm
Forum: VCL
Topic: Transparent TBItmap becomes non-transparent in GDI+ mode
Replies: 5
Views: 10120

Re: Transparent TBItmap becomes non-transparent in GDI+ mode

Sorry for bloated example, guys :) Ripped it from the working project. I will try to make simple project, but it'll take time. Let me explain. For some reason, when I install both VCL and FMX Tee packages, my C++ Builder refuses to "see" FMX TChart in palette and form designer (I mentioned this in e...
by vgromov
Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:53 pm
Forum: VCL
Topic: Transparent TBItmap becomes non-transparent in GDI+ mode
Replies: 5
Views: 10120

Re: Transparent TBItmap becomes non-transparent in GDI+ mode

I've attached test project for case study. It (tries to) generate CIE 1931 xyz chart with colour 'horse foot' behind it. The 'horse foot' is dynamically generated dib, which uses black as transparent key colour. It's being drawn OK in GDI mode, but becomes opaque in GDI+ mode. This code is from the ...
by vgromov
Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:24 pm
Forum: VCL
Topic: Transparent TBItmap becomes non-transparent in GDI+ mode
Replies: 5
Views: 10120

Transparent TBItmap becomes non-transparent in GDI+ mode

C++ Builder XE4. Tee Build.201.10.140220 OS Windows 7, 32 bit I use TBitmap object with Transparent=true; TransparentColor=clBlack; for custom drawing in Chart's BeforeDrawSeries. TTeeGDIPlus object is attached to the chart. If the former has Active = true, bitmap is drawn with black fields. Setting...
by vgromov
Sun Jan 26, 2014 6:19 pm
Forum: FMX
Topic: C++ Builder + TChart + LiveBindings = linker error
Replies: 2
Views: 11360

C++ Builder + TChart + LiveBindings = linker error

1) C++ Builder XE4 18.0.4905.60485 2) Latest TeeChart Build 2013.09.131119 3) Firemonkey Create simple FMX Win32 project, with TChart, Prototype source. Bind proto source to TChart. Save and make project. At linking stage the error [ilink32 Error] Fatal: Unable to open file 'FMXTEE.BIND.CHART.OBJ' p...
by vgromov
Fri May 24, 2013 6:48 am
Forum: FMX
Topic: TeeChart FMX Pro FullSource Installation - TChart is missing
Replies: 3
Views: 13893

Re: TeeChart FMX Pro FullSource Installation - TChart is missing

Yep, I thoroughly tried to find where TChart design time has gone, or at least, tried to understand what is going on, but no luck, alas. Here is what is filtered in IDE ToolPalette for FMX, when typing "tchart": tchart2.jpg Another obvious sign that design time component is missing - existing projec...
by vgromov
Thu May 23, 2013 3:23 pm
Forum: FMX
Topic: TeeChart FMX Pro FullSource Installation - TChart is missing
Replies: 3
Views: 13893

TeeChart FMX Pro FullSource Installation - TChart is missing

Hello. I'm running C++ Builder Architect XE4 IDE, version 18.0.4854.59655. When instaling full source TeeChart Pro package released on May 21, 2013, Build 2013.08.130521, TChart component is missing from design palette for FMX application. TChart3D is there, though. Strangely enough, TChart icon is ...
by vgromov
Sat May 04, 2013 5:58 pm
Forum: FMX
Topic: TeeChart VCL/FMX for XE4 BETA installers published
Replies: 4
Views: 15911

Re: TeeChart VCL/FMX for XE4 BETA installers published

We've found two minor issues during new FMX beta evaluation.
1) Axis label's text got clipped sometimes (see image #1)
2) Point coordinates conversion between world and canvas are wrong when dealing with lines with negative first derivative (see image #2, zipped test project attached)