I was still using XE2 for just a couple of legacy projects that were using components that I do not have the source for and are now no longer available.
I decided to use other components instead and am now using 10.1 Berlin so the problem has gone away.
Thanks for your help.
Search found 19 matches
- Wed Jun 01, 2016 4:21 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Using TeeRecompile
- Replies: 5
- Views: 12475
- Thu May 26, 2016 2:14 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Using TeeRecompile
- Replies: 5
- Views: 12475
Re: Using TeeRecompile
Thanks. I get so far but Procedure TTeeCanvas.TextOut(const X,Y:TCoordinate; const Text:String; AllowHtml:Boolean); begin if AllowHtml then HtmlTextOut(Self,{$IFDEF FMX}Round{$ENDIF}(X),{$IFDEF FMX}Round{$ENDIF}(Y),Text) else TextOut(X,Y,Text); end; doesn't compile. I get the error message: [DCC Err...
- Thu May 26, 2016 10:48 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Using TeeRecompile
- Replies: 5
- Views: 12475
Re: Using TeeRecompile
Sorry. I of course meant IndyProtocols160!
- Wed May 25, 2016 1:43 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Using TeeRecompile
- Replies: 5
- Views: 12475
Using TeeRecompile
TeeChartVCLFMXSOURCE-2016.18 Need some help please. I have 4 IDE's installed XE2, XE7, Seattle & Berlin. When running TeeRecompile all compile ok except for XE2 which fails with the error message " Required package "IndyProtocols not found" because of the version of Indy installed. If I then change ...
- Wed May 25, 2016 8:25 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: TeeChartVCLFMX-2016.18 XE2 Problem
- Replies: 11
- Views: 23202
Re: TeeChartVCLFMX-2016.18 XE2 Problem
Many thanks.
- Tue May 24, 2016 7:00 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: TeeChartVCLFMX-2016.18 XE2 Problem
- Replies: 11
- Views: 23202
Re: TeeChartVCLFMX-2016.18 XE2 Problem
No. In my very first post I gave the information that I was using Indy 10.6.2.
- Fri May 20, 2016 2:37 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: TeeChartVCLFMX-2016.18 XE2 Problem
- Replies: 11
- Views: 23202
Re: TeeChartVCLFMX-2016.18 XE2 Problem
Indy must be compiled into your bpl because if I delete the indy bpls and add dclTeePro916.bpl I get the error mesage that IndySystem160.bpl is missing!
- Fri May 20, 2016 12:33 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: TeeChartVCLFMX-2016.18 XE2 Problem
- Replies: 11
- Views: 23202
Re: TeeChartVCLFMX-2016.18 XE2 Problem
Sure. I have XE2 hotfix 4 installed. and I have tried the other things that you have suggested. It works fine in the other IDE's I have installed including 10 Seattle and 10.1 Berlin.
- Fri May 20, 2016 9:02 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: TeeChartVCLFMX-2016.18 XE2 Problem
- Replies: 11
- Views: 23202
Re: TeeChartVCLFMX-2016.18 XE2 Problem
I have the pro version (no source) so how can this be happening?
- Fri May 20, 2016 6:54 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: TeeChartVCLFMX-2016.18 XE2 Problem
- Replies: 11
- Views: 23202
Re: TeeChartVCLFMX-2016.18 XE2 Problem
Thanks, but as I said this happens when the only package loaded in the IDE is Teechart, What version of Indy is the XE2 version compiled with?
- Wed May 18, 2016 1:42 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: TeeChartVCLFMX-2016.18 XE2 Problem
- Replies: 11
- Views: 23202
TeeChartVCLFMX-2016.18 XE2 Problem
I have installed TeeChartVCLFMX-2016.18 into XE2, XE7, 10 Seattle and 10.1 Berlin. All ok except for XE2. On loading the Pro BPL it gives the error: The procedure entry point @idheadercoderutf@Initialization$qqrv could not be located in the dynamic link library IndyProtocols160.bpl. There is only on...
- Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:38 pm
- Forum: FMX
- Topic: Emailing a Chart
- Replies: 3
- Views: 15215
Re: Emailing a Chart
I cannot find the export. There doesn't seem to be an FMXTee.TEExport equivalent.
- Wed Mar 23, 2016 10:17 pm
- Forum: FMX
- Topic: Emailing a Chart
- Replies: 3
- Views: 15215
Emailing a Chart
Is is possible to email an FMX TChart?
- Wed Mar 23, 2016 11:59 am
- Forum: FMX
- Topic: Using TPDFCanvas Directly
- Replies: 9
- Views: 24412
Re: Using TPDFCanvas Directly
Thanks. I need to be able to get this working asap for a childrens charity organization. Is there any way I can force the fonts to be included in the current version?
- Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:07 pm
- Forum: FMX
- Topic: Using TPDFCanvas Directly
- Replies: 9
- Views: 24412
Re: Using TPDFCanvas Directly
Code: Chart1:=TChart.Create(Self); with Chart1 do begin Parent:=Self; AllowPanning:=TPanningMode.pmNone; BackWall.Brush.Color:=TAlphaColors.White; BackWall.Color:=TAlphaColors.White; BackWall.Visible:=False; BottomWall.Visible:=False; LeftWall.Visible:=False; Legend.Visible:=False; // Title.Text.Str...