When should we expect this kind of animation support? Are we talking 1 month or 1 year? We are not trying to push you, we know that this isn't an easy process, so we are asking just for information.
Hi again Narcis, I tried your example, it works, but I don't think that this is "animation". Lets say we have a simple line chart. On app start, you load 100 points on it. Now, every 3 seconds you have to draw a new point. So, when the data for the new point arrives, we have to actually draw the lin...
I am having some problems again, this time on Mac Os. :( When I input our license number and password in the installer and click next, the following error message is shown: Error running mono "/Applications/Steema Software/Teechart for Xamarin Forms 2016 4.0.2016.05310/Utils/TeeCalc/TeeCalc.exe" Her...
We want to animate our chart. We have candle and area series, both updated with new data every 3 seconds. When the new data is downloaded, we redraw the whole model.
Is there any example on how to animate the new points/candles?
When I download it (it is less than 2 mb) and try to install it, the following message is displayed: "This app can't run on your PC". I am using Windows 10.
The chart on our Android app works perfectly, but on the iOS version things aren't that smooth. There is no way to scroll the chart. We are using a PCL project, I can make a quick sample app to show the issue if it is necessary.
I am experiencing problems with installing the Teechart libraries on OS X Yosemite. We are developing an Xamarin.Forms application for android and iOS. For Android everything worked fine, but we were developing on a Windows 8.1 PC. Now for the iOS development we will use a Mac Mini with OS X Yosemit...
Two months ago I asked this question in stackoverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32349036/xamarin-forms-teechart-chart-zoomed-doesnt-work The bug was fixed and Narcís Calvet was kind enough to sent me the fixed files for the evaluation version. The problem right now is that, since then, our...
I have a candle chart, which can be zoomed and scrolled only horizontally. The series contain 30 to 180 candles. I am trying to limit the max zoom level to 10 candles but I can't figure it out. I can disable the zoom once there are only 10 candles visible (using first visible and last visible), but ...