Thanks for making available the tee file.
The contents of the tee file that you linked for us has some invalid bytes at the end, a repetition of some of the last elements of the tee itself. We can't explain what might have caused that but please check any additional save/file move process that may be taking place in case the error is creeping in there. There is no current TeeChart technique by which you are able to check the invalid content before the file is read.
For content review you can make a text readable version of the tee file. You are able to see a listing of file contents but it will only show the valid contents and ignore invalid elements (and thus is not useful for debugging file problems).
Code: Select all
TChart1.Export.ConvertTeeFileToText _
"c:\myfolder\teefile.tee", _
For tests here we applied a modification to trim the tee and the file loads correctly showing all the contents that are listed in the text translation file (as coded above).
In current TeeChart versions the tee file read has been non-trimmed to support pre-version 6 tee files that have a slightly different coding technique. We have changed that to be parameterizable in the next maintenance release of TeeChart (v7 - are you using v7?). The change resolves the problem when reading your tee file. Please download the next maintenance release when available.
Marc Meumann