I've added all my Tchart classes to a dll. In my application (.exe) I include a Tchart component on one of the dialogs. This doesn't seem to work. When invoked, the dialog is not displayed at all. However, if the dialog is part of the DLL, then all works fine. Am I missing something?
Also, can someone point me to an example of how I can include a TChart on a form within my code? I've seen examples of how it is added at design time.
TChart componenets in DLL called from exe
It's difficult to know where is the problem without seeing the code you're using. Could you please post a simple example at the news://www.steema.net/steema.public.attachments newsgroup with which we can reproduce as is the problem here ?I've added all my Tchart classes to a dll. In my application (.exe) I include a Tchart component on one of the dialogs. This doesn't seem to work. When invoked, the dialog is not displayed at all. However, if the dialog is part of the DLL, then all works fine. Am I missing something?
Here, an example :Also, can someone point me to an example of how I can include a TChart on a form within my code? I've seen examples of how it is added at design time.
Code: Select all
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set TChart1 = Form1.Controls.Add("TeeChart.TChart", "TChart1", Form1)
TChart1.Visible = True
With TChart1
.Left = 100
.Top = 100
.Width = 5000
.Height = 5000
.AddSeries scLine
.Series(0).FillSampleValues 20
End With
End Sub
Pep Jorge
I've posted an example which shows how to create a Chart in a MDI Child app. with VC++ at news://www.steema.net/steema.public.attachments newsgroup.
I've posted an example which shows how to create a Chart in a MDI Child app. with VC++ at news://www.steema.net/steema.public.attachments newsgroup.
Pep Jorge