Printing: "Range check error." TeeChartPro Activex

TeeChart for ActiveX, COM and ASP
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Printing: "Range check error." TeeChartPro Activex

Post by mexx » Thu Feb 19, 2004 10:42 am


I saw some post about this error here, but there were no answers with solutions yet. Furthermore I'm using VC++6 instead of VB, if that makes a difference.

When trying to print a chart using the CTeePreviewer, I get an error message saying "Range check error." This happens when trying to print both an empty or populized chart, however, it does NOT happen each time!

For instance, I start my programm, print the empty or populated chart, all works fine. I close the program (or just the chart, does not matter), then repeat this. The same chart will print fine a few times, then suddenly I get the error message. Next time printing might work again.
While testing this behaviour, my pc was even reset 2 times (immediate black screen, Win2000 bootet again, just like you press the reset button on the machine) when trying to print.

I can reproduce this on my machine (Win2000), also a customer complained experiencing this problem on his machine (WinXP). I'm printing to acrobat distiller, my customer uses an Epson C64. So it does not seem to be printer dependent.

Using the following code to implement printing:

BOOL CGFXView::OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo* pInfo)



//return DoPreparePrinting(pInfo);
return 0; // TeeChart performs printing


CTeePreviewer m_TeePreview;
CTChart m_Chart;

I get this error with both TeeChartPro Activexv5 and

Let me know if you need more info,
thanks for your help,
Marcus Dromowicz

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Post by Marc » Thu Feb 26, 2004 4:09 pm

Hi Markus,
I can reproduce this on my machine (Win2000), also a customer complained experiencing this problem on his machine (WinXP). I'm printing to acrobat distiller, my customer uses an Epson C64. So it does not seem to be printer dependent.
Can you please confirm that you are using the very latest OEM printer drivers for your tests?
Steema Support

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Post by mexx » Fri Feb 27, 2004 11:47 am

Marc wrote: Can you please confirm that you are using the very latest OEM printer drivers for your tests?
Hello Marc,

I am not able to confirm the printer driver version of my customer as he is handled by an external customer adviser. I am quite sure however it's an up-to-date driver as they set it up on a new computer.

On my machine however I performed some more tests using different printers. I can reproduce the error with every printer currently available to me, which are the following:

Acrobat Distiller pdf driver
Acrobat PDFWriter driver
Lexmark Z23/Z33 Color Jetprinter
Minolta-QMS magicolor 6110
Adobe's Generic PostScript Printer

I installed the lastest printer drivers found on the appropriate web pages for the last three printers. The Distiller driver was installed by Acrobat v4, I am not able to upgrade this as an upgrade is liable for costs by Adobe.
Furthermore I have never encountered printing problems with any of those printer/drivers besides this TeeChart problem.


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Post by Marc » Wed Mar 03, 2004 9:46 am

Hello Marcus,

The problem is reproducable. We'll make a maintenance update shortly to resolve the issue.

Marc Meumann
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Post by mexx » Thu Mar 04, 2004 10:54 am



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Post by Marc » Sat Mar 20, 2004 7:07 am

Hello Marcus,

English language version has been placed on the Customer download page. The version includes a fix for the Range-check error.

Marc Meumann
Steema Support

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Range check error on multi language version

Post by gearfish » Tue Mar 30, 2004 1:41 pm

I am having the same range check problem as Marcus, however mine is with the multi language activeX control. I am using version Can you guys update the multi language version to fix this?


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