I have this :
With Chart1.Series(0).asGantt
.AddGanttColor CDate(lngStartTimeTarget),CInt(lngSetupTime), intVerticalIndexs, strMachineName, vbYellow
.AddGanttColor CDate(lngStartTimeTarget), CDate(lngEndTimeTarget), intVerticalIndexs, strMachineName, vbGreen
End With....
The data comes from a RecordSet within Wile Loop.
what I'm trying to do: add special Mark to each one of the points on each bar (a different RecordSet value), without changing the hole bar name and without naming tha X value Like the mark. you offered me the "PointLabel" but it changes the
the X as well, it does not help me, maybe you know a different way...? thank's, again.....
I looked at Tutorial 8 as well, if you send me there i would like a little guidance if possible....