Our teechart is filled using the addxy command, using a custom axis for each series (basically one custom axis horizontal which is assigned to each series).
We have the following problem at the moment:
When we use the addxy command with no label , using a "" as 3rd parameter, everything works fine.
When we use a label (any string) it re-maps the gridlines to the points added by the addxy.
(Please see these pics for details)
Code snippet:
// Axis definition //
Code: Select all
hHorizontalAxis = chTChartFieberkurve:TChart:Axis:AddCustom(TRUE).
chTChartFieberkurve:TChart:Axis:Custom(0):PositionPercent = 0
chTChartFieberkurve:TChart:Axis:Custom(0):MAXIMUM = SichtbareTage
chTChartFieberkurve:TChart:Axis:Custom(0):MINIMUM = 0
chTChartFieberkurve:TChart:Axis:Custom(0):AUTOMATIC = FALSE
chTChartFieberkurve:TChart:Axis:Custom(0):GridCentered = FALSE
chTChartFieberkurve:TChart:Axis:Custom(0):Increment = 1
chTChartFieberkurve:TChart:Axis:Custom(0):GridPen:VISIBLE = TRUE
chTChartFieberkurve:TChart:Axis:Custom(0):GridPen:Style = 0.
// Assign the axis to all series , this is what the iseriesCnt is for //
Code: Select all
chTChartFieberkurve:TChart:Series(iSeriesCnt):HorizontalAxisCustom = hHorizontalAxis
// Add values //
// this works //
Code: Select all
(deXPos, mcs.mcVitalWerte.deWert1, "", mcs.mcsVitalKonfig.iFarbe).
Code: Select all
(deXPos, mcs.mcVitalWerte.deWert1, STRING(ROWID(mcs.mcVitalWerte)), mcs.mcsVitalKonfig.iFarbe).

Is there a way to work around this? Or a option to set the gridlines fixed so they dont get remapped to the added values?
Thanks for your help.