We're using version 6 of teechart.
The chart contains 2 series, which are built from 2 different recordsets.
The first recordset contains 2 fields - a value and a date field.
The second recordset contains 3 fields - a value , a date field and a description field (which I display when the user hovers over a point on the second series with the mouse - this bit works fine).
I'm setting the charts up as follows :
TChart1.Series(0).YValues.ValueSource = Recordset1.Fields(0).Name
TChart1.Series(0).XValues.ValueSource = Recordset1.Fields(1).Name
TChart1.Series(0).LabelsSource = Recordset1.Fields(1).Name
TChart1.Series(1).YValues.ValueSource = Recordset2.Fields(0).Name
TChart1.Series(1).XValues.ValueSource = Recordset2.Fields(1).Name
TChart1.Series(1).LabelsSource = Recordset2.Fields(2).Name
(If I don't set the XValues.ValueSource on both series then the bottom (date) axis gets screwed up - I'm not sure if this is part of the problem).
Then on the web page I've got a bit of vbscript as follows :
sub TChart1_OnGetAxisLabel(Axis, SeriesIndex, ValueIndex, LabelText)
If Axis = 3 Then
If TChart1.SeriesCount > 1 Then
If SeriesIndex = 0 Then
LabelText = ""
End If
End If
End If
end sub
Am I doing something obviously wrong ?
I just can't seem to stop the chart displaying the bottom axis labels from the second series (the descriptions appear over the top of the date labels from the first series)
Please help - this is driving me crazy