1. Every time I attempt to access the help files I get one or other of the following messages
“Cannot find del5vcl.HLP” or “ Cannot find teechartx5,hlp” What have I done wrong????
2. Where can I find a listing of methods?
3. I have been attempting to implement a WaterFall plot with a Z axis of 10 deep. (A FFT Waterfall plot) Using the cursor tool I have tried to access the Z-plane but the cursor control only appears to work in the XY plane. This also seems to be the case for a number of the other tools supplied. Is this correct and if so is it possible to adapt/modify it so that it operates in all three planes. Eg different Z-Plane selected by cursor keys??. E.g I am trying to provide a readout of each point in the waterfall plot using the cursor.
4. In the above each of the graphs has 256 points in the X Plane. I want to scale the X-axis from 0 to 500 but when I do this the graph adds an additional 256 blank points to each graph. How can I scale the graph to achieve the above
5. It would appear that the help address provided by my package is no longer valid so why is tha address still included?
Cheers Roger Meek