Label Font Size issue...

TeeChart for ActiveX, COM and ASP
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Label Font Size issue...

Post by Cinimod » Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:05 pm

I use the following code to add in some labels to the chart

TChart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Add 1, "Testing"
TChart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Add 3, "Testing" & vbcr & "testing" & vbcr & "testing"
TChart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Add 2, "Testing" & vbcr & "testing"
TChart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Angle = 0

When I add a title though the labels overlap the title.

TChart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Font.Size = 20
Does not change the font size of the labels, but will move the bottom axis up and down, so how should I be adding the labels so that they automatically do not overlap?



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Post by Pep » Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:41 am

Hi Dominic,
When I add a title though the labels overlap the title.
This can be solved increasin the Size of the Axis labels :
TChart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Size = 50
TChart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Font.Size = 20
Does not change the font size of the labels, but will move the bottom axis up and down, so how should I be adding the labels so that they automatically do not overlap?
To increase the font size of the Custom labels you must use similar code to the following

Code: Select all

For i = 0 To TChart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Count - 1
TChart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Item(i).Font.Size = 20
Next i
But, as you're using custom labels (and not automatic) in case the labels overlap you will have to find a trick to solve it (like change the angle,...).
Another thing you can do is to use the default axis labels and then use the OnGetAxisLabel event to change the LabelText.

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