I created a logarithmic chart with solid major and minor grid lines on an ASP page. For some reason, a few of the minor grid lines come out much thicker than the others, even though I have specified the pen width. What can I do to solve the issue? Is this a bug?
Here is my code for setting the chart properties. Please let me know if I need to post the full code.
Set Chart1 = CreateObject("TeeChart.TChart")
'sets Chart properties
Chart1.Header.Text(0) = ""
Chart1.Legend.LegendStyle = lsSeries
'sets Chart axes
Chart1.Axis.Left.Automatic = False
Chart1.Axis.Left.Logarithmic = True
Chart1.Axis.Left.SetMinMax 1, 3000
Chart1.Axis.Left.GridPen.Style = psSolid
Chart1.Axis.Left.GridPen.Color = RGB(153, 153, 153)
Chart1.Axis.Left.GridPen.Width = 1
Chart1.Axis.Left.MinorTickCount = 8
Chart1.Axis.Left.MinorGrid.Style = psSolid
Chart1.Axis.Left.MinorGrid.Color = RGB(153, 153, 153)
Chart1.Axis.Left.MinorGrid.Width = 1
Chart1.Axis.Left.MinorGrid.Visible = True
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.Automatic = False
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.Logarithmic = True
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.SetMinMax 0.005, 10
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.GridPen.Style = psSolid
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.GridPen.Color = RGB(153, 153, 153)
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.GridPen.Width = 1
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.MinorTickCount = 8
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.MinorGrid.Style = psSolid
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.MinorGrid.Color = RGB(153, 153, 153)
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.MinorGrid.Width = 1
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.MinorGrid.Visible = True
problem with grid lines on logarithmic chart
Re: problem with grid lines on logarithmic chart
I've uploaded a screen shot showing the issue with the grid lines. The minor grid lines for 3, 4 and 7 are noticably thicker.
- Attachments
- pic1.jpg (99.76 KiB) Viewed 9436 times
Re: problem with grid lines on logarithmic chart
Yes, the complete example would be helpful. I've tested your code with a vb6 application and I can't reproduce the problem. Could you also tell us the exact version you are using?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, the complete example would be helpful. I've tested your code with a vb6 application and I can't reproduce the problem. Could you also tell us the exact version you are using?
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
![]() | Yeray Alonso Development & Support Steema Software Av. Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia (SP) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Please read our Bug Fixing Policy |
Re: problem with grid lines on logarithmic chart
I've previously made a log/log chart in VB without a problem. But right now the problem I'm having is with ASP, not VB. I'm using teechart7.ocx version, which is installed on our server.
Here is my code. There are two ASP pages - one to create the chart and save to stream, one page to display the chart.
Here is my code. There are two ASP pages - one to create the chart and save to stream, one page to display the chart.
Code: Select all
<%Option Explicit%>
<!--#include file="../TChartConsts.vbs" -->
<!--#include file="../ado1v.inc" -->
<!--#include file="../Connections/conCTTestRecords.asp" -->
Dim rstTestData
Dim strSQLTestData
Dim strRO
Dim strFrequency
Dim Chart1
Dim i
Dim iPage
strRO = Request.QueryString("RO")
If Request.QueryString("Page") = "" Then
iPage = 1
iPage = Cint(Request.QueryString("Page"))
End If
'opens a recordset of the test data
strSQLTestData = "SELECT tblTestData.SerialNo, tblTestData.ExPointOhOhFive, tblTestData.ExPointOhOne, tblTestData.ExPointOhTwo, tblTestData.ExPointOhFive, tblTestData.ExPointOne, tblTestData.ExPointTwoFive, tblTestData.ExPointFive, tblTestData.ExOne, tblTestData.ExFive, tblTestData.ExTen, tblCatalog.TestFrequency FROM tblCatalog RIGHT JOIN tblTestData ON tblCatalog.CatNo = tblTestData.CatNo WHERE tblTestData.RO = '" & strRO & "' AND Fail=0 AND [CTR/TestCard]='CTR' AND CTRApproved = False"
Set rstTestData = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
'sets the number of records to be displayed on a page
rstTestData.PageSize = 10
rstTestData.Open strSQLTestData, MM_conCTTestRecords_STRING, adOpenKeySet, _
adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
'gets the test frequency for the catalog number
If rstTestData.EOF = False Then
strFrequency = rstTestData("TestFrequency").Value
End If
Set Chart1 = CreateObject("TeeChart.TChart")
'sets Chart properties
Chart1.Header.Text(0) = ""
Chart1.Legend.LegendStyle = lsSeries
'sets Chart axes
Chart1.Axis.Left.Automatic = False
Chart1.Axis.Left.Logarithmic = True
Chart1.Axis.Left.SetMinMax 1, 3000
Chart1.Axis.Left.GridPen.Style = psSolid
Chart1.Axis.Left.GridPen.Color = RGB(153, 153, 153)
Chart1.Axis.Left.GridPen.Width = 1
Chart1.Axis.Left.MinorTickCount = 8
Chart1.Axis.Left.MinorGrid.Style = psSolid
Chart1.Axis.Left.MinorGrid.Color = RGB(153, 153, 153)
Chart1.Axis.Left.MinorGrid.Width = 1
Chart1.Axis.Left.MinorGrid.Visible = True
Chart1.Axis.Left.Title.Caption = "Secondary Exciting Voltage, " & strFrequency & "Hz."
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.Automatic = False
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.Logarithmic = True
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.SetMinMax 0.005, 10
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.GridPen.Style = psSolid
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.GridPen.Color = RGB(153, 153, 153)
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.GridPen.Width = 1
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.MinorTickCount = 8
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.MinorGrid.Style = psSolid
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.MinorGrid.Color = RGB(153, 153, 153)
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.MinorGrid.Width = 1
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.MinorGrid.Visible = True
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.Title.Caption = "Secondary Exciting Amps, " & strFrequency & "Hz."
'sets the current page
rstTestData.AbsolutePage = ipage
'loops through the recordset and plots data points on chart
If rstTestData.EOF = False Then
i = 0
Do While Not (rstTestData.EOF OR rstTestData.AbsolutePage <> iPage)
Chart1.Series(i).Pen.Width = 2
If IsNull(rstTestData("ExPointOhOhFive").Value) Then
Chart1.Series(i).AddNullXY 0, 0, ""
Chart1.Series(i).AddXY 0.005, rstTestData("ExPointOhOhFive").Value, "", clTeeColor
End If
If IsNull(rstTestData("ExPointOhOne").Value) Then
Chart1.Series(i).AddNullXY 0, 0, ""
Chart1.Series(i).AddXY 0.01, rstTestData("ExPointOhOne").Value, "", clTeeColor
End If
If IsNull(rstTestData("ExPointOhTwo").Value) Then
Chart1.Series(i).AddNullXY 0, 0, ""
Chart1.Series(i).AddXY 0.02, rstTestData("ExPointOhTwo").Value, "", clTeeColor
End If
If IsNull(rstTestData("ExPointOhFive").Value) Then
Chart1.Series(i).AddNullXY 0, 0, ""
Chart1.Series(i).AddXY 0.05, rstTestData("ExPointOhFive").Value, "", clTeeColor
End If
If IsNull(rstTestData("ExPointOne").Value) Then
Chart1.Series(i).AddNullXY 0, 0, ""
Chart1.Series(i).AddXY 0.1, rstTestData("ExPointOne").Value, "", clTeeColor
End If
If IsNull(rstTestData("ExPointTwoFive").Value) Then
Chart1.Series(i).AddNullXY 0, 0, ""
Chart1.Series(i).AddXY 0.25, rstTestData("ExPointTwoFive").Value, "", clTeeColor
End If
If IsNull(rstTestData("ExPointFive").Value) Then
Chart1.Series(i).AddNullXY 0, 0, ""
Chart1.Series(i).AddXY 0.5, rstTestData("ExPointFive").Value, "", clTeeColor
End If
If IsNull(rstTestData("ExOne").Value) Then
Chart1.Series(i).AddNullXY 0, 0, ""
Chart1.Series(i).AddXY 1, rstTestData("ExOne").Value, "", clTeeColor
End If
If IsNull(rstTestData("ExFive").Value) Then
Chart1.Series(i).AddNullXY 0, 0, ""
Chart1.Series(i).AddXY 5, rstTestData("ExFive").Value, "", clTeeColor
End If
If IsNull(rstTestData("ExTen").Value) Then
Chart1.Series(i).AddNullXY 0, 0, ""
Chart1.Series(i).AddXY 10, rstTestData("ExTen").Value, "", clTeeColor
End If
Chart1.Series(i).Title = rstTestData("SerialNo").Value
i = i + 1
End If
Set rstTestData = Nothing
Response.BinaryWrite (Chart1.Export.asNative.SaveToStream(True))
Code: Select all
<%Option Explicit%>
<!--#include file="../TChartConsts.vbs" -->
<!--#include file="../ado1v.inc" -->
<!--#include file="../Connections/conCTTestRecords.asp" -->
Dim ServerPath
If Request.Servervariables("LOCAL_ADDR")="" Then
End If
'opens a recordset to get the page count, which is needed to create the navigation links
Dim rst
Dim strSQL
Dim strRO
Dim iPage
Dim iPageCount
Dim i
strRO = Request.QueryString("RO")
strSQL = "SELECT tblTestData.SerialNo FROM tblTestData WHERE tblTestData.RO = '" & strRO & "' AND Fail=0 AND [CTR/TestCard]='CTR' AND CTRApproved = False"
Set rst = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rst.PageSize = 10
rst.Open strSQL, MM_conCTTestRecords_STRING, adOpenKeySet, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
If rst.EOF = True Then
iPageCount = 0
iPageCount = rst.PageCount
End If
'sets the page number to load
If Request.QueryString("Page") = "" Then
iPage = 1
iPage = Cint(Request.QueryString("Page"))
End If
<script language="VBScript">
Sub Window_onLoad()
End Sub
Sub TChart2_OnAfterDraw()
End Sub
<title>Excitation Curves for RO <%=strRO%></title>
<link href="../ITIStyles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Page <%=iPage%> of <%=iPageCount%></p>
'creates the navigation links if there is more than 1 page
If iPageCount > 1 Then
If iPage > 1 Then
<a href="DisplayExCurve.asp?RO=<%=strRO%>&Page=<%=iPage - 1%>">[<<]</a>
End If
For i = 1 To iPageCount
If i = iPage Then
<%= i %>
<a href="DisplayExCurve.asp?RO=<%=strRO%>&Page=<%= i %>"><%= i %></a>
End If
If iPage < iPageCount Then
<a href="DisplayExCurve.asp?RO=<%=strRO%>&Page=<%=iPage + 1%>">[>>]</a>
End If
End If
Set rst = Nothing
Re: problem with grid lines on logarithmic chart
Thanks for the code but I've seen some includes and select calls that we can't do here. So it would be helpful if you could arrange a simple example we can run as-is here to reproduce the problem here.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the code but I've seen some includes and select calls that we can't do here. So it would be helpful if you could arrange a simple example we can run as-is here to reproduce the problem here.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
![]() | Yeray Alonso Development & Support Steema Software Av. Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia (SP) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Please read our Bug Fixing Policy |
Re: problem with grid lines on logarithmic chart
Well, you did say to post the "complete" code.
Here is a stripped down version. I've removed all the include files (except for the TeeChart constants file) and recordset references. After a lot of testing, I think the problem occurs when I add series inside a loop. I've attached a screen capture of chart. As you can see, the lines for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 are thicker.

Here is a stripped down version. I've removed all the include files (except for the TeeChart constants file) and recordset references. After a lot of testing, I think the problem occurs when I add series inside a loop. I've attached a screen capture of chart. As you can see, the lines for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 are thicker.
Code: Select all
<%Option Explicit%>
<!--#include file="../TChartConsts.vbs" -->
Dim Chart1
Dim i
Set Chart1 = CreateObject("TeeChart.TChart")
'sets Chart properties
Chart1.Header.Text(0) = ""
Chart1.Legend.LegendStyle = lsSeries
'sets Chart axes
Chart1.Axis.Left.Automatic = False
Chart1.Axis.Left.Logarithmic = True
Chart1.Axis.Left.SetMinMax 1, 3000
Chart1.Axis.Left.GridPen.Style = psSolid
Chart1.Axis.Left.GridPen.Color = RGB(153, 153, 153)
Chart1.Axis.Left.GridPen.Width = 1
Chart1.Axis.Left.MinorTickCount = 8
Chart1.Axis.Left.MinorGrid.Style = psSolid
Chart1.Axis.Left.MinorGrid.Color = RGB(153, 153, 153)
Chart1.Axis.Left.MinorGrid.Width = 1
Chart1.Axis.Left.MinorGrid.Visible = True
Chart1.Axis.Left.Title.Caption = "Secondary Exciting Voltage"
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.Automatic = False
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.Logarithmic = True
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.SetMinMax 0.005, 10
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.GridPen.Style = psSolid
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.GridPen.Color = RGB(153, 153, 153)
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.GridPen.Width = 1
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.MinorTickCount = 8
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.MinorGrid.Style = psSolid
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.MinorGrid.Color = RGB(153, 153, 153)
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.MinorGrid.Width = 1
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.MinorGrid.Visible = True
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.Title.Caption = "Secondary Exciting Amps"
For i = 0 to 10
Chart1.Series(i).Pen.Width = 2
Chart1.Series(i).AddXY 0.01, i+2, "", clTeeColor
Chart1.Series(i).AddXY 0.02, i+2, "", clTeeColor
Chart1.Series(i).AddXY 0.05, i+2, "", clTeeColor
Chart1.Series(i).AddXY 0.1, i+2, "", clTeeColor
Chart1.Series(i).AddXY 0.25, i+2, "", clTeeColor
Chart1.Series(i).AddXY 0.5, i+2, "", clTeeColor
Chart1.Series(i).AddXY 1, i+2, "", clTeeColor
Chart1.Series(i).AddXY 5, i+2, "", clTeeColor
Chart1.Series(i).AddXY 10, i+2, "", clTeeColor
Response.BinaryWrite (Chart1.Export.asNative.SaveToStream(True))
Code: Select all
<%Option Explicit%>
<!--#include file="../TChartConsts.vbs" -->
Dim ServerPath
If Request.Servervariables("LOCAL_ADDR")="" Then
End If
<script language="VBScript">
Sub Window_onLoad()
End Sub
Sub TChart2_OnAfterDraw()
End Sub
<title>Logarithmic Chart Example</title>
- Attachments
- pic1.jpg (117.72 KiB) Viewed 9383 times
Re: problem with grid lines on logarithmic chart
Thank you for the code! Yes you are right, I could reproduce it in v7 and I want you to know that I've tested the same code with v8 and couldn't reproduce it, so it seems to be solved from v8.
Thank you for the code! Yes you are right, I could reproduce it in v7 and I want you to know that I've tested the same code with v8 and couldn't reproduce it, so it seems to be solved from v8.
Best Regards,
![]() | Yeray Alonso Development & Support Steema Software Av. Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia (SP) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Please read our Bug Fixing Policy |
Re: problem with grid lines on logarithmic chart
Thanks for checking into it. I guess we will just have to live with it for now.