Enable Point Style in Graph on Specific Point
Enable Point Style in Graph on Specific Point
I'm Working with Teechart and i need to do one thing.
I'm working with marks to post comments on my Graph, when the user click in one point i enable a TextBox and write some values to the mark, this thing is working OK.
But i want to enable a point style in that mark and not in the entire line...
i used this code but this enable the point in all line
document.getElementById("axChart").Series(0).asLine.Pointer.Visible = True
I Have the X and Y coordinates from the point, i wrote the mark on this:
document.getElementById("axChart").Canvas.TextOut X, Y , "Text"
Now i want to enable a POINT Style on this MArk, it's possible?
I'm Working with Teechart and i need to do one thing.
I'm working with marks to post comments on my Graph, when the user click in one point i enable a TextBox and write some values to the mark, this thing is working OK.
But i want to enable a point style in that mark and not in the entire line...
i used this code but this enable the point in all line
document.getElementById("axChart").Series(0).asLine.Pointer.Visible = True
I Have the X and Y coordinates from the point, i wrote the mark on this:
document.getElementById("axChart").Canvas.TextOut X, Y , "Text"
Now i want to enable a POINT Style on this MArk, it's possible?
Re: Enable Point Style in Graph on Specific Point
Yes, you could activate the line's pointers and then use OnGetPointerStyle to hide or show the one you would like. Something like this:
Yes, you could activate the line's pointers and then use OnGetPointerStyle to hide or show the one you would like. Something like this:
Code: Select all
Private Sub Form_Load()
TChart1.AddSeries scLine
TChart1.Series(0).FillSampleValues 25
TChart1.Series(0).asLine.Pointer.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub TChart1_OnGetSeriesPointerStyle(ByVal SeriesIndex As Long, ByVal ValueIndex As Long, AStyle As TeeChart.EPointerStyle)
If ValueIndex = 5 Then
AStyle = psRectangle
AStyle = psNothing
End If
End Sub
Best Regards,
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Re: Enable Point Style in Graph on Specific Point
Hi, when i insert this code i having this error:
Error: Expected ')'
Error: Object Expected
Code: Select all
private sub axChart_OnGetSeriesPointerStyle(ByVal SeriesIndex As Long, ByVal ValueIndex As Long, AStyle As TeeChart.EPointerStyle)
If ValueIndex = 5 Then
AStyle = psRectangle
AStyle = psNothing
End If
End Sub
Error: Object Expected
Re: Enable Point Style in Graph on Specific Point
I used other sub to test and return the same error.
Without this code return no errors.
And there is another example with a sub, this is working OK
Here is my Object:
I used other sub to test and return the same error.
Without this code return no errors.
Code: Select all
Public Sub axChart_OnGetSeriesMark(ByVal SeriesIndex As Long, ByVal ValueIndex As Long, MarkText As String)
MsgBox SeriesIndex
End Sub
Code: Select all
Private Sub axChart_OnMouseDown(ByVal Button, ByVal Shift, ByVal CordX, ByVal CordY)
grf_X0 = CordX
grf_Y0 = CordY
End Sub
Here is my Object:
Code: Select all
<object id="axChart" style="font-weight: 700; z-index: 101; left: 40px; float: left;
width: 984px; top: 224px; height: 401px;" codebase="components/Teechart8.cab#version=8,0,0,1" type="application/x-oleobject" border="1" classid="clsid:B6C10489-FB89-11D4-93C9-006008A7EED4"
name="axChart" viewastext>
<param name="Base64" value="VFBGMAtUQ2hhcnRDaGFydAAETGVmdAIAA1RvcAIABVdpZHRoA9gDBkhlaWdodAPCARFHcmFkaWVu dC5FbmRDb2xvcgT6+voAE0dyYWRpZW50LlN0YXJ0Q29sb3IE2+bwABBHcmFkaWVudC5WaXNpYmxl CQxNYXJnaW5Cb3R0b20CBQpNYXJnaW5MZWZ0AgELTWFyZ2luUmlnaHQCAQlNYXJnaW5Ub3ACAhFU aXRsZS5Gb250LkhlaWdodALwEFRpdGxlLkZvbnQuU3R5bGULBmZzQm9sZAASVGl0bGUuVGV4dC5T dHJpbmdzAQYKR3LhZmljbyBwSAAVQm90dG9tQXhpcy5BeGlzLldpZHRoAgEZQm90dG9tQXhpcy5E YXRlVGltZUZvcm1hdAYQZGQvTU0veXl5eSBISDptbRdCb3R0b21BeGlzLkdyaWQuVmlzaWJsZQga Qm90dG9tQXhpcy5MYWJlbHNNdWx0aUxpbmUJE0xlZnRBeGlzLkF4aXMuV2lkdGgCARBMZWdlbmQu QWxpZ25tZW50BwhsYUJvdHRvbRFMZWdlbmQuQ2hlY2tCb3hlcwkWTGVnZW5kLkZvbnRTZXJpZXND b2xvcgkSTGVnZW5kLkZyYW1lLkNvbG9yBwZjbEdyYXkZTGVnZW5kLkdyYWRpZW50LkRpcmVjdGlv bgcLZ2RUb3BCb3R0b20YTGVnZW5kLkdyYWRpZW50LkVuZENvbG9yBMbG/wAaTGVnZW5kLkdyYWRp ZW50LlN0YXJ0Q29sb3IHB2NsV2hpdGUXTGVnZW5kLkdyYWRpZW50LlZpc2libGUJEExlZ2VuZC5U ZXh0U3R5bGUHCGx0c1BsYWluEkxlZ2VuZC5WZXJ0U3BhY2luZwIBFFJpZ2h0QXhpcy5BeGlzLldp ZHRoAgESVG9wQXhpcy5BeGlzLldpZHRoAgELVmlldzNEV2FsbHMIDVpvb20uQW5pbWF0ZWQJDlpv b20uUGVuLkNvbG9yBwdjbEJsYWNrDlpvb20uUGVuLlN0eWxlBwlwc0Rhc2hEb3QKQmV2ZWxPdXRl cgcGYnZOb25lCkJldmVsV2lkdGgCAAxQcmludE1hcmdpbnMBAg8CHgIPAh4AAAtUTGluZVNlcmll cwdTZXJpZXM0BURlcHRoAgARTWFya3MuQXJyb3dMZW5ndGgCCApNYXJrcy5DbGlwCRZNYXJrcy5H cmFkaWVudC5WaXNpYmxlCRBNYXJrcy5TaGFwZVN0eWxlBxFmb3NSb3VuZFJlY3RhbmdsZQtNYXJr cy5TdHlsZQcIc21zVmFsdWUNTWFya3MuVmlzaWJsZQgLU2VyaWVzQ29sb3IHBWNsUmVkBVRpdGxl BhZwSCBkYSDBZ3VhIGRlIFByb2Nlc3NvC1ZhbHVlRm9ybWF0BgkjLiMjMCwjIyMNQ2xpY2thYmxl TGluZQgNTGluZVBlbi5Db2xvcgcFY2xSZWQOUG9pbnRlci5EcmF3M0QIFlBvaW50ZXIuSW5mbGF0 ZU1hcmdpbnMJDVBvaW50ZXIuU3R5bGUHCXBzRGlhbW9uZA9Qb2ludGVyLlZpc2libGUIEFhWYWx1 ZXMuRGF0ZVRpbWUJDFhWYWx1ZXMuTmFtZQYBWA1YVmFsdWVzLk9yZGVyBwZsb05vbmUQWVZhbHVl cy5EYXRlVGltZQgMWVZhbHVlcy5OYW1lBgFZDVlWYWx1ZXMuT3JkZXIHBmxvTm9uZQAAD1RGYXN0 TGluZVNlcmllcwdTZXJpZXMwBURlcHRoAgARTWFya3MuQXJyb3dMZW5ndGgCCBZNYXJrcy5HcmFk aWVudC5WaXNpYmxlCRBNYXJrcy5TaGFwZVN0eWxlBxFmb3NSb3VuZFJlY3RhbmdsZQtNYXJrcy5T dHlsZQcIc21zVmFsdWUNTWFya3MuVmlzaWJsZQgLU2VyaWVzQ29sb3IEAID/AAVUaXRsZQYScEgg ZGEgwWd1YSBkbyBMYWdvC1ZhbHVlRm9ybWF0BgkjLiMjMCwjIyMRQXV0b1NjYWxlVmVydEF4aXMI DUxpbmVQZW4uQ29sb3IEAID/ABBYVmFsdWVzLkRhdGVUaW1lCQxYVmFsdWVzLk5hbWUGAVgNWFZh bHVlcy5PcmRlcgcGbG9Ob25lEFlWYWx1ZXMuRGF0ZVRpbWUIDFlWYWx1ZXMuTmFtZQYBWQ1ZVmFs dWVzLk9yZGVyBwZsb05vbmUAAA9URmFzdExpbmVTZXJpZXMHU2VyaWVzMQVEZXB0aAIAEU1hcmtz LkFycm93TGVuZ3RoAggWTWFya3MuR3JhZGllbnQuVmlzaWJsZQkQTWFya3MuU2hhcGVTdHlsZQcR Zm9zUm91bmRSZWN0YW5nbGULTWFya3MuU3R5bGUHCHNtc1ZhbHVlDU1hcmtzLlZpc2libGUIC1Nl cmllc0NvbG9yBADqAAAFVGl0bGUGGnBIIGRhIMFndWEgUGx1dmlhbCBG4WJyaWNhC1ZhbHVlRm9y bWF0BgkjLiMjMCwjIyMRQXV0b1NjYWxlVmVydEF4aXMIDUxpbmVQZW4uQ29sb3IEAOoAABBYVmFs dWVzLkRhdGVUaW1lCQxYVmFsdWVzLk5hbWUGAVgNWFZhbHVlcy5PcmRlcgcGbG9Ob25lEFlWYWx1 ZXMuRGF0ZVRpbWUIDFlWYWx1ZXMuTmFtZQYBWQ1ZVmFsdWVzLk9yZGVyBwZsb05vbmUAAA9URmFz dExpbmVTZXJpZXMHU2VyaWVzMgVEZXB0aAIAEU1hcmtzLkFycm93TGVuZ3RoAggWTWFya3MuR3Jh ZGllbnQuVmlzaWJsZQkQTWFya3MuU2hhcGVTdHlsZQcRZm9zUm91bmRSZWN0YW5nbGULTWFya3Mu U3R5bGUHCHNtc1ZhbHVlDU1hcmtzLlZpc2libGUIC1Nlcmllc0NvbG9yBwZjbEdyYXkFVGl0bGUG FXBIIGRhIMFndWEgUHV2aWFsIE1TRwtWYWx1ZUZvcm1hdAYJIy4jIzAsIyMjEUF1dG9TY2FsZVZl cnRBeGlzCA1MaW5lUGVuLkNvbG9yBwZjbEdyYXkQWFZhbHVlcy5EYXRlVGltZQkMWFZhbHVlcy5O YW1lBgFYDVhWYWx1ZXMuT3JkZXIHBmxvTm9uZRBZVmFsdWVzLkRhdGVUaW1lCAxZVmFsdWVzLk5h bWUGAVkNWVZhbHVlcy5PcmRlcgcGbG9Ob25lAAALVEN1cnNvclRvb2wAC0ZvbGxvd01vdXNlCQVT dHlsZQcLY3NzVmVydGljYWwAAA1UTWFya3NUaXBUb29sCkNoYXJ0VG9vbDALTW91c2VBY3Rpb24H CG10bUNsaWNrAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAA/////w==">
Re: Enable Point Style in Graph on Specific Point
Hello Lopes,
would you be so kind to let us know which environment and language ( vbscript, javascript, etc.. ) are you using ?
would you be so kind to let us know which environment and language ( vbscript, javascript, etc.. ) are you using ?
Pep Jorge
Re: Enable Point Style in Graph on Specific Point
Re: Enable Point Style in Graph on Specific Point
Hi Lopes,
you could use the following code (tested here and works fine) :
Another way would be to draw your own symbols (or anything else) onto the TeeChart canvas using TeeChart's Canvas drawing methods (into the OnAfterDraw event) exposed in Tutorial 13 - Custom drawing on the Chart Panel.
you could use the following code (tested here and works fine) :
Code: Select all
Sub TChart1_OnGetSeriesPointerStyle(SeriesIndex, ValueIndex, AStyle)
if ValueIndex = 4 then ' Will change the next pointer 5 due to the vbscript
TChart1.Series(0).asPoint.Pointer.Style = 1 ' circle
TChart1.Series(0).asPoint.Pointer.Style = 0
end if
End Sub
Pep Jorge
Re: Enable Point Style in Graph on Specific Point
Alright PEP, the code worked (with no errors)
But nothing happened..
i write a text in a Point:
I want to enable to enable the point style circle on this point with X and Y coordinates.. is possible?
What means ValueIndex in this context?
I put this Sub on my application but doesn´t being called (i put a MsgBox do test) like this:
But nothing happened..
i write a text in a Point:
Code: Select all
document.getElementById("axChart").Canvas.TextOut X, Y , "Text"
What means ValueIndex in this context?
Code: Select all
Sub TChart1_OnGetSeriesPointerStyle(SeriesIndex, ValueIndex, AStyle)
Code: Select all
Sub TChart1_OnGetSeriesPointerStyle(SeriesIndex, ValueIndex, AStyle)
if ValueIndex = 4 then ' Will change the next pointer 5 due to the vbscript
MsgBox "Test"
TChart1.Series(0).asPoint.Pointer.Style = 1 ' circle
TChart1.Series(0).asPoint.Pointer.Style = 0
end if
End Sub
Re: Enable Point Style in Graph on Specific Point
Hi Lopes,
strange, here the event is called, could you please check if the attached example works fine for you ?
strange, here the event is called, could you please check if the attached example works fine for you ?
- Attachments
- sample.zip
- (1.38 KiB) Downloaded 602 times
Pep Jorge