Mapping time on Y-axis

TeeChart for ActiveX, COM and ASP
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Mapping time on Y-axis

Post by Seth » Fri Mar 16, 2012 4:50 am


I use TeeChart ActiveX ver.7,0,1,4.

I want to map time such as hour, minute, and second onto Y-axis.

Look at this Chart, please. (This is not TeeChart)
There are time data on Y-axis.

I use Add(), AddNull() and AddXY() api for mapping data.

Is there API that is used mapping time data on Y-axis?

I'll wait for your answer.

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Re: Mapping time on Y-axis

Post by Yeray » Fri Mar 16, 2012 4:06 pm

Hi Seth,

According to msdn I'd say the following should work:

Code: Select all

TChart1.Axis.Left.Labels.DateTimeFormat = "nn''ss'"
However it doesn't seem to work as I'd expect. Anyway, I've been able to work around it setting DateTimeFormat to "nn:ss'" and replacing the ":" for "''" (and adding "'" at the end of the string) at OnGetAxisLabel:

Code: Select all

  TChart1.Axis.Left.Labels.DateTimeFormat = "nn:ss"
Private Sub TChart1_OnGetAxisLabel(ByVal Axis As Long, ByVal SeriesIndex As Long, ByVal ValueIndex As Long, LabelText As String)
  If Axis = 0 Then ' zero corresponds to the Left axis
    LabelText = Replace$(LabelText, ":", "''") + "'"
  End If
End Sub
Best Regards,
ImageYeray Alonso
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