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Assign different fonts to the Points Labels on Line Graph
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:50 am
by 6924564
I am Tchart5x user.
I have a requirement in which I need to show the point labels in different fonts.
I am able to set the different colors using .Series(0).PointColor(0) property.
Is there any way to set different fonts for the points ?
Re: Assign different fonts to the Points Labels on Line Graph
Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:54 am
by yeray
Hi Kalias,
I'm afraid this is not possible since the font property is a property for the whole series (TChart1.Series(0).Marks.Font) not for each value.
What you could do is to draw your text directly to the canvas like in the following example:
Code: Select all
Private Sub Form_Load()
TChart1.Aspect.View3D = False
TChart1.Legend.Visible = False
TChart1.AddSeries scPoint
For i = 0 To 19
TChart1.Series(0).Add Rnd * 100, "point nº" + Str$(i), clTeeColor
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub TChart1_OnAfterDraw()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To TChart1.Series(0).Count - 1
TChart1.Canvas.Font.Size = (i Mod 10) + 10
TChart1.Canvas.TextOut TChart1.Series(0).CalcXPos(i), TChart1.Series(0).CalcYPos(i), TChart1.Series(0).PointLabel(i)
Next i
End Sub
Re: Assign different fonts to the Points Labels on Line Graph
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:42 am
by 6924564
I have requirement where I want to draw Rectangle around a text which I am plotting with help from you previously.
Can you help on this ?
Also I need to draw the text in between two point. I have attached attachment for more details.
Values used for this :

- Draw Text and Rectangle
- TextWithRectangle1.jpeg (24.64 KiB) Viewed 8387 times
Re: Assign different fonts to the Points Labels on Line Graph
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:48 pm
by 10050769
Hello CS,
I have made a simple example for you using rectangle tool. Please check if next code works as you want:
Code: Select all
Private Sub Form_Load()
TChart1.Aspect.View3D = False
TChart1.Legend.Visible = False
TChart1.AddSeries scLine
TeeCommander1.Chart = TChart1
For i = 0 To 19
TChart1.Series(0).Add Rnd * 100, "point nº" + Str$(i), clTeeColor
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub TChart1_OnAfterDraw()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To TChart1.Series(0).Count - 1
TChart1.Canvas.Font.Size = (i Mod 10) + 10
With TChart1
.Tools.Add tcRectangle
.Tools.Items(i).asRectangle.Shape.CustomPosition = True
.Tools.Items(i).asRectangle.AutoSize = True
.Tools.Items(i).asRectangle.Shape.Transparency = 30
.Tools.Items(i).asRectangle.Left = .Series(0).CalcXPos(i)
.Tools.Items(i).asRectangle.Top = .Series(0).CalcYPos(i)
.Tools.Items(i).asRectangle.Text = TChart1.Series(0).PointLabel(i)
End With
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub TChart1_OnScroll()
End Sub
Private Sub TChart1_OnUndoZoom()
End Sub
Private Sub TChart1_OnZoom()
End Sub
I hope will helps.
Re: Assign different fonts to the Points Labels on Line Graph
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:00 am
by 6924564
Hi ,
version 5 in which I don't see tcRectangle and TCommander
used "TeeChart5Activex.exe" for installation. We are calling the tchart componets from VB 6.
Re: Assign different fonts to the Points Labels on Line Graph
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:14 am
by narcis
Hi CS,
TeeCommander is not relevant for the example. You can use Annotation tools instead of Rectangle tools in v5 then. They work pretty much the same way.