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Eliminate Space/Overlap between series to draw 2d map

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 10:53 pm
by 6923659
Hi Pep,

I tried to play around these axis but it's no good.

Otherwise, do you know a better way to display a wafermap 2d.
In my problem, I receive the data in the form of X, Y and Z.
For each Z I would like display a different serie and color.

The Problem is I have an overlap between the points or space when I use Point
series ?

Thank You Pep


Pep wrote:

> "Important note: If you are a TeeChart registered customer, please post your
> support questions at Steema's Support monitored Forums for customers:
> for a prompter reply."
> Hi Samir,
> how about playing with the Start and End axis position ?
> With TChart1
> .Axis.Left.StartPosition = 25
> .Axis.Left.EndPosition = 75
> End With
> Best Regards
> Josep Lluis Jorge
> "Samir Sawaya" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm using multiple series (points) to draw a map in 2d.
> > There are space between the series. Is there anyway to eliminate the
> > SPACE between the series.
> > Please see attached file map.gif
> > I'm using
> > Chart1.Series(i).asPoint.Pointer.HorizontalSize=x //a parameter x=5
> > Chart1.Series(i).asPoint.Pointer.VerticalSize=6 //a parameter x=6
> >
> > Thank You very much
> >
> > Samir
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 9:27 am
by Pep
Hi Samir,

how about using a ColorGrid Series type ?

Eliminate Space/Overlap between series to draw 2d map

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 8:24 pm
by 6923659
Hi Pep,
I tried ColorGrid Series type but I still have a problem.
The problem is for each z value I will have to had a serie. To be able from the legend to check a serie or uncheck it.
For this reason, I used multiple series of type ColorGrid but the graph is very strange.

In my problem i have a limited number of z maybe up to 20.
I have for an input for example.

x y z
0 0 1
0 1 1
0 2 2
0 3 0
0 4 1
1 0 1
10 1 2
10 2 2

Thank You very much Pep


Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 9:35 am
by Marc
Hello Samir,

The original approach you used, PointSeries (or Point3D if you want to be able to work with the Z values) seems workable.

I see in the image you sent that the distance between points is mainly a 'Y' displacement issue. The distance between points is a function of the Left Axis scaling. If left at 'Automatic' TeeChart will maximise scaling to fully use all space available, hence increasing spaces between Y values. If we imagine the Left Axis to have values from 0 to 20 then by setting the Left Axis Minimum to -20 and Maximum to +20 (eg. .Axis.Left.SetMinMax -20, 20) the space between rows will halve. That is an extreme but you can combine that approach with increasing Point size to reach an optimum that satisfactorily occupies the Chart area and leaves no spaces. The same maybe applied to close the gap between any X displacements.

Other Series types are better suited to this (for example ColorGrid as mentioned by Pep) but as you noted, ColorGrid is not suited to multiple Series and as an individual Series wouldn't offer up the Checkboxes in the Legend. You could however use ColorGrid and offer up your own coded CheckBox options, setting Z value colours to clNone (transparent), when that point value is disabled. More complicated but worth bearing in mind.

Marc Meumann

Thank You

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 10:49 pm
by 6923659
Thank You Mark

It's working
