Color of Series

TeeChart for ActiveX, COM and ASP
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Color of Series

Post by nefis » Tue Dec 09, 2003 4:20 pm


I encouner another porblem. Now it's related to series color
I set a series (Line) color to some color:

TChart1.Series(1).Color = vbGreen

but the line is invisible by some reason. TChart1.Series(1).Active is True.
I've tried TChart1.Series(1).Pen.Color = vbGreen with no avail. But I'm sure it's there since the vertical axis is rescaling (the line is dynamic).

If I set color of every point then everything is OK. Like following:

TChart1.Series(1).ColorEachPoint = True
TChart1.Series(1).PointColor(N) = PointColor

What might it be?


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Post by Pep » Tue Dec 09, 2003 4:30 pm

I cannot reproduce the problem here, could you please post the code here or send me an example to the steema.public.attachments so I can reproduce the problem "as is" here ?

Josep Lluis Jorge

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Post by SS » Wed Dec 10, 2003 8:33 pm


What type of series are you using? and What version of TeeChart? It seems we are running into simular issues.

I know with a line series of csFastLine, csLine or csHorizLine I just use
Series(0).Active = true
Series(0).Color = var_holding_color
for line series I don't set the Pen.Color at all.

However for series that our points we noticed with version ( that Series(0).Color and Series(0).Pen.Color have changed for symbols that are just lines. If you use the symbol that is a DiagCross you need to set Pen.Color to assign the color of the lines that make up the symbol however Pen.Color when your symbol is a Diamond (something filled in) you lose the border color. We needed to add a series of if statements and if the users selects one of the line drawing symbols use Pen.Color and if it is a filled in symbol like diamond don't use the pen.color.

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Post by Pep » Fri Dec 12, 2003 3:10 pm

Hi Nefis,

I still without being able to reproduce the problem here, could you please send me an example (to steema.public.attachments newsgroups) with which I can reproduce it "as is" here ?

Josep Lluis Jorge

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Post by nefis » Tue Dec 16, 2003 9:12 am

Pep wrote:Hi Nefis,

I still without being able to reproduce the problem here, could you please send me an example (to steema.public.attachments newsgroups) with which I can reproduce it "as is" here ?

Josep Lluis Jorge
i'm not sure I'll be able to cut reasonable part from my app, to show you the problem.

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Post by nefis » Wed Dec 17, 2003 3:59 pm

the problem was in AddNullXY. I use the function to add a null point (which is not actually null as someone may think). Then I change the points to some actual value. But they have a special color clNone, that is unvisible. the moment i change the color to something meaningful everything is ok.

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