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Resize chart
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:21 pm
by 15059326
Hi. We want to maximize our window, and obviously, we need to adjust the chart to the new window size. How can we setup this? We are trying with chart.width and Chart.Height properties but it just allows modify to a lower size than the original, the opposite truncates the chart.
Best regards,
Re: Resize chart
Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:34 am
by yeray
I've tried to drop a chart and two buttons in a new form and this code seems to behave as expected. Doesn't it for you?
Code: Select all
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
Note you can also use Align property if you want your chart to always be in the left/right/top/bottom/client of your form.
Re: Resize chart
Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:45 pm
by 15059326
Hi Yeray, thanks for replying.
I am doing exactly that:
Code: Select all
But the result is shown in the attached images

- Original size
- Before.JPG (63.65 KiB) Viewed 31880 times

- With increasing size
- After.JPG (70.8 KiB) Viewed 31883 times
I tried to put
but I get an error. I don't know if that is the solution but I don't find what is the appropriate sentence.
Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Re: Resize chart
Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:30 am
by yeray
What TeeChart and IDE versions are you using?
Could you please arrange a simple example project we can run as-is to reproduce the problem here?
Thanks in advance.
Re: Resize chart
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:17 pm
by 15059326
Hi Yeray, thanks for replying.
I'm using TeeChart Pro v8. With OpenEdge Studio 10.2B (4gl). The code is the following:
Code: Select all
// Asigno el puntero de TChart a una variable
gr = chgr1:tc1.
// Guardo el tamaño original de mi ventana
// Asigno el tamaño de la sesión a mi ventana
// Guardo el nuevo tamaño de mi ventana
// Asigno al TChart las dimensiones que debe incrementar
gr:HEIGHT = gr:HEIGHT + (yy_aft - yy_bef).
gr:WIDTH = gr:WIDTH + (xx_aft - xx_bef).
Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Re: Resize chart
Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 9:52 am
by yeray
I was trying it with Delphi, excuse me.
Since we don't have OpenEdge Studio here, I've tried now with TeeChart v8. in Visual Basic 6 and this seems to work fine for me with a chart into the form and a button doing this:
Code: Select all
Private Sub Command1_Click()
TChart1.Width = TChart1.Width + 30
TChart1.Height = TChart1.Height + 30
End Sub
So this may be something related to this IDE or some other setting you are using that I may be missing.
Re: Resize chart
Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 6:53 pm
by 15059326
I made every test that I could and finally I guess that there is something related with the object of OCX: the OCX is on my window, and my window is being maximized, as well as the image but not the object... That is why the image appears truncated.... is like the ocx is upon a frame or something which I am not maximizing in a properly way. Could you please show me how could I set this attribute on the OCX window or frame, because this on the image is already working?
Thank you very much
Re: Resize chart
Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 10:12 am
by yeray
TeeChart ActiveX isn't embedded into any frame or anything else. I still think it has to be some particularity in your IDE because I can't reproduce it with VB6.
I'd suggest you to try to force a repaint (Chart1.Environment.InternalRepaint) after resizing/maximizing to see if it changes something.
You could also try making the chart invisible and visible again, also after resizing/maximizing.
If you still have problems with it, don't hesitate to let us know.
Re: Resize chart
Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 3:22 pm
by 15059326
Hi Yeray:
Can you tell me please where is de property:
Auto size, or how to
maximize the ocx?
When I put:
It returns the attached error:

- Error.JPG (11.39 KiB) Viewed 31801 times
Thank you very much
Re: Resize chart
Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 8:03 am
by yeray
There's no AutoSize property for the TeeChart.TChart object. There is an AutoSize property for Annotation tool, TextShape,... and similar objects, but not for the chart itself.
It has to be something particular in your IDE. Maybe is IDE who embeds the COM components into something that is causing all this: some extra properties, what looks as a frame that isn't resized with the component inside it,... just an hypothesis.
Re: Resize chart
Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 7:03 pm
by 15059326
Hola Yeray,
Right now I am working directly on TeeChart Office just to understand how this functionality really works before implement it. There is an attribute or property named Auto Size (please see attached images). This "auto size" option allows to do exactly what I need:
When it is inactive the chart is in its original size even though the frame or window is maximized , when it is active the chart fit the window size. What is the appropriated command line to do this?
Thank you very much, regards
Re: Resize chart
Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 2:35 pm
by yeray
TeeChart Office is developed with TeeChart VCL, not with TeeChart ActiveX.
In VB6 you can use the
Align property as mentioned
However, I'm not sure in your IDE. And there isn't, either in VB6, a property to align the control to the four sides, like in
delphi alClient.
To do the same in TeeChart ActiveX, you still could use a resize event to assign the new chart dimensions.
For example, in VB6, if I have the chart aligned to the bottom, I can use the chart's resize event:
Code: Select all
Private Sub Form_Load()
TChart1.Align = vbAlignBottom
End Sub
Private Sub TChart1_OnResize()
TChart1.Height = Form1.ScaleHeight
End Sub
Otherwise, if I don't have the chart aligned anywhere, I can still use the form resize event:
Code: Select all
Private Sub Form_Load()
TChart1.Align = vbAlignNone
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
TChart1.Height = Form1.ScaleHeight
TChart1.Width = Form1.ScaleWidth
TChart1.Left = 0
TChart1.Top = 0
End Sub
Auto Size property
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:19 pm
by 15059326
What are the specific command line to do what is showed in the pictures attached?
We want that our chart adjusts to the window automatically. So we need to program the "yes" check in the option Auto Size.
Thank you very much, regards,
Re: Auto Size property
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:18 pm
by yeray
Re: Auto Size property
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:43 pm
by 15059326
Hi Yeray,
ok you caught us!
Effectively it is the same discussion! And it is because we still haven't solved the problem: Our IDE works the same as VB6, we have maximized the frame and with resize event we've maximized the activeX, it means, we adjusted the ActiveX to our frame, but the image looks truncated, as we showed in the previous post.
Please, tell us something different, we've already tried every instruction you gave before.