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FastLine clear crash !

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 1:52 pm
by 9079002
Hello !

I use a fast line serie to plot points on a chart. Sometimes when I clean the line (using CSeries::Clear method) I have a messagebox : 'Unhandled exception in teechart.ocx").

I use Visual C++ 6 and Teechart 6.

Any idea ?

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 11:35 am
by Pep
>Any idea ?
Difficult, it works fine here using the latest TeeChart Pro v6.0.0.4. I'm going to need on example with which I can reproduce the problem "as is" here. (if you can send me it to the steema.public.attachments newsgroup).

Josep Lluis Jorge

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 8:35 am
by 9079002

I was able to reproduce the problem in an independant executable (based on one of my project). I can send you all the source files and/or the executable. What do you need exactly and where can I send it to you ?


Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 10:02 am
by Pep
I need one example (source code) with which I can reproduce the problem as is here.
You can send me it to the steema.public.attachments newsgroup or directly to [email protected]

Josep Lluis Jorge

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 8:31 am
by 9079002

Did you find something ?? And were you able to reproduce the bug ?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 12:39 pm
by 9079002
Still no response !

Can you take a look as soon as possible ? This is really urgent because this bug appears in a lot of our projects.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 8:48 am
by 9079002
What the hell are you doing ?? :evil:

It's been more thant one week that I still don't have any response here !!! I need to solve this bug NOW !! Take a look at it please !!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 9:07 am
by Chris
Hi -
What the hell are you doing ??

It's been more thant one week that I still don't have any response here !!! I need to solve this bug NOW !! Take a look at it please !!!!
Pep is on holiday at the moment, as was the whole of Spain on the 25th and 26th.

If you like, you could send the example project to me at [email protected].