EPS layout different
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 7:37 pm
No I made it with the eval version of the activex control. But with the latest (registered) version I can view the Chart too with Ghostview. Only... the layout is different. My gridlines are disapeared and the colors are switched as you can see in the files in the links below. png and jpg are as I would like the eps to be.
I Also included a the code in my ASP web file.
Am I doing something wrong ???
http://test.findigit.net/apigraph/graph ... 173855.png
http://test.findigit.net/apigraph/graph ... 173855.jpg
http://test.findigit.net/apigraph/graph ... 173855.eps
http://test.findigit.net/apigraph/graph ... 173855.pdf
I've installed the multi lang version of teechart
Patrick Schalkwijk
Set chart = Server.CreateObject("TeeChart.TChart")
Chart.Series(1).Color = RGB(220,220,220)
Chart.Series(1).AsLine.ColorEachLine = False
Chart.Series(0).Color = RGB(220,220,220)
Chart.Series(0).AsLine.ColorEachLine = False
Chart.Panel.Color = RGB(220,220,220)
Chart.Panel.BackImageInside = true
Chart.Panel.BackImageMode = pbmStretch
Chart.Panel.BackImageLoad Server.MapPath("blackdot.bmp")
Chart.Axis.Top.Gridpen.Color = RGB(220,220,220)
Chart.Axis.Top.Gridpen.Style = psSolid
Chart.Axis.Top.MinorGrid.Visible = False
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Gridpen.Color = RGB(220,220,220)
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Gridpen.Style = psClear
Chart.Axis.Bottom.MinorGrid.Visible = False
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Title.Font.Color = RGB(76,76,76)
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Title.Font.Size = 10
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Font.Color = RGB(76,76,76)
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Font.Size = 10
Chart.Axis.Top.Labels.Font.Size = 1
If Request.QueryString("h") <> "" And IsNumeric(Request.QueryString("h"))Then
Chart.Height = Request.QueryString("h")
Chart.Height = 200
End If
If Request.QueryString("b") <> "" And IsNumeric(Request.QueryString("b"))Then
Chart.Width = Request.QueryString("b")
Chart.Width = cint(Chart.Height * 2.37)
End If
Chart.Aspect.View3D = False
Dim LastDateMonth, LastDateDay
LastDateMonth = Month(ArrayXValues(Ubound(ArrayXValues)-1))
LastDateDay = Day(ArrayXValues(Ubound(ArrayXValues)-1))
Chart.Header.Text(0)=Left(Header, 45)
Chart.SubHeader.Customposition = True
Chart.SubHeader.Left = Chart.Width*2 - 198
Chart.SubHeader.Top = 9
Chart.SubHeader.Text.Add(LastDateDay & " " & MonthName(LastDateMonth) & " " & FormatNumber(Round(Replace(ArrayYValues(Ubound(ArrayYValues)-1), ".", ","), 4), , , ,True ))
Chart.SubHeader.Font.Color = RGB(76,76,76)
Chart.SubHeader.Font.Size = 14
Chart.SubHeader.Alignment = taCenter
Chart.SubHeader.AdjustFrame = false
Chart.SubHeader.alignment = taCenter
Chart.Header.Font.Color = RGB(76,76,76)
Chart.Header.Font.Size = 14
Chart.Header.alignment = taLeftJustify
Chart.Axis.Right.Title.Visible = False
Chart.Axis.Right.Ticks.Visible = False
Chart.Axis.Right.TicksInner.Visible = False
Chart.Axis.Right.MinorTicks.Visible= False
Chart.Axis.Right.Gridpen.Color = RGB(220,220,220)
Chart.Axis.Right.Gridpen.Style = psSolid
Chart.Axis.Right.Labels.Font.Color = RGB(76,76,76)
Chart.Axis.Right.Labels.Font.Bold = True
Chart.Axis.Right.Labels.Font.Size = 10
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Ticks.Visible = False
Chart.Axis.Bottom.TicksInner.Visible = False
Chart.Axis.Bottom.MinorTicks.Visible= False
Chart.Axis.Top.Ticks.Visible = False
Chart.Axis.Top.TicksInner.Visible = False
Chart.Axis.Top.MinorTicks.Visible= False
Chart.Series(1).HorizontalAxis = aTopAxis
Chart.Series(1).XValues.DateTime = True
Chart.Series(1).VerticalAxis = aRightAxis
Chart.Series(1).Pen.Width = 3
Chart.Series(1).Pen.Color = RGB(220,220,220)
Chart.Series(0).XValues.DateTime = True
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.DateTimeFormat = "mmmm"
Chart.Axis.Bottom.ExactDateTime = True
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Increment = Chart.GetDateTimeStep(dtOneMonth)
Chart.Series(1).XValues.DateTime = True
Chart.Axis.top.Labels.DateTimeFormat = " "
Chart.Axis.top.ExactDateTime = True
Chart.Axis.top.Increment = Chart.GetDateTimeStep(dtOneWeek)
Chart.Series(0).VerticalAxis = aRightAxis
Chart.Series(0).Pen.Width = 3
Chart.Series(0).Pen.Color = RGB(220,220,220)
For x = 0 To UBound(ArrayXValues) - 1
Chart.Series(0).AddXY cDate(ArrayXValues(x)), cDbl(ArrayYValues(x)), "", clTeeColor
For x = 0 To UBound(ArrayXValues) - 1
Chart.Series(1).AddXY cDate(ArrayXValues(x)), cDbl(ArrayYValues(x)), "", clTeeColor
'2percent of min
min = Chart.Series(0).YValues.Minimum - Chart.Series(0).YValues.Minimum/100*2
max = Chart.Series(0).YValues.Maximum + Chart.Series(0).YValues.Minimum/100*2
Chart.Axis.Right.SetMinMax min, max
Chart.Axis.Right.Labels.OnAxis = true
Dim Randomname
Randomname = XML_UniversalDatetime (Now())
Randomname = Replace(Replace(Randomname, ":", ""), " ", "")
Randomname = Randomname & Rnd()
Chart.Export.asBMP.SaveToFile Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "apigraph\graph\" & Randomname & ".bmp"
Chart.Export.asEPS.SaveToFile Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "apigraph\graph\" & Randomname & ".eps"
Chart.Export.asGIF.SaveToFile Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "apigraph\graph\" & Randomname & ".gif"
Chart.Export.asJPEG.SaveToFile Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "apigraph\graph\" & Randomname & ".jpg"
Chart.Export.asMetafile.SaveToFile Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "apigraph\graph\" & Randomname & ".wmf"
Chart.Export.asPCX.SaveToFile Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "apigraph\graph\" & Randomname & ".pcx"
Chart.Export.asPDF.SaveToFile Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "apigraph\graph\" & Randomname & ".pdf"
Chart.Export.asPNG.SaveToFile Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "apigraph\graph\" & Randomname & ".png"
Chart.Export.asSVG.SaveToFile Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "apigraph\graph\" & Randomname & ".svg"
----- Original Message -----
From: Narcís Calvet
Newsgroups: steema.public.teechart7.activex
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: EPS format
Hi Patrick,
I'm able to open them using Photoshop, however yours gave me an error. Please find attached a TeeChart EPS generated file which I can open with Photoshop. Are you creating your files as shown on TeeChart features demo, available at TeeChart's program group?
Best Regards,
Narcís Calvet
"Important note: If you are a TeeChart registered customer, please post your
support questions at Steema's Support monitored Forums for customers:
http://support.steema.com for a prompter reply."
"Patrick Schalkwijk" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
I have created some charts in EPS format.
Which software do I have to use to view the generated EPS formatted file.
Because, all software I tried, I only get: damaged file, or errors while
reading the
generated file (ghostview, IrfanView, Ad Viewer).
Attached a file, generated by TeeChart. Can anyone see what's in it? If
so...please tell me the name of the viewer.
"Narcís Calvet" <[email protected]> schreef in bericht news:[email protected]...
Hi Patrick,
I'm able to open them using Photoshop, however yours gave me an error. Please find attached a TeeChart EPS generated file which I can open with Photoshop. Are you creating your files as shown on TeeChart features demo, available at TeeChart's program group?
Best Regards,
Narcís Calvet
"Important note: If you are a TeeChart registered customer, please post your
support questions at Steema's Support monitored Forums for customers:
http://support.steema.com for a prompter reply."
"Patrick Schalkwijk" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
I have created some charts in EPS format.
Which software do I have to use to view the generated EPS formatted file.
Because, all software I tried, I only get: damaged file, or errors while
reading the
generated file (ghostview, IrfanView, Ad Viewer).
Attached a file, generated by TeeChart. Can anyone see what's in it? If
so...please tell me the name of the viewer.
No I made it with the eval version of the activex control. But with the latest (registered) version I can view the Chart too with Ghostview. Only... the layout is different. My gridlines are disapeared and the colors are switched as you can see in the files in the links below. png and jpg are as I would like the eps to be.
I Also included a the code in my ASP web file.
Am I doing something wrong ???
http://test.findigit.net/apigraph/graph ... 173855.png
http://test.findigit.net/apigraph/graph ... 173855.jpg
http://test.findigit.net/apigraph/graph ... 173855.eps
http://test.findigit.net/apigraph/graph ... 173855.pdf
I've installed the multi lang version of teechart
Patrick Schalkwijk
Set chart = Server.CreateObject("TeeChart.TChart")
Chart.Series(1).Color = RGB(220,220,220)
Chart.Series(1).AsLine.ColorEachLine = False
Chart.Series(0).Color = RGB(220,220,220)
Chart.Series(0).AsLine.ColorEachLine = False
Chart.Panel.Color = RGB(220,220,220)
Chart.Panel.BackImageInside = true
Chart.Panel.BackImageMode = pbmStretch
Chart.Panel.BackImageLoad Server.MapPath("blackdot.bmp")
Chart.Axis.Top.Gridpen.Color = RGB(220,220,220)
Chart.Axis.Top.Gridpen.Style = psSolid
Chart.Axis.Top.MinorGrid.Visible = False
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Gridpen.Color = RGB(220,220,220)
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Gridpen.Style = psClear
Chart.Axis.Bottom.MinorGrid.Visible = False
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Title.Font.Color = RGB(76,76,76)
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Title.Font.Size = 10
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Font.Color = RGB(76,76,76)
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Font.Size = 10
Chart.Axis.Top.Labels.Font.Size = 1
If Request.QueryString("h") <> "" And IsNumeric(Request.QueryString("h"))Then
Chart.Height = Request.QueryString("h")
Chart.Height = 200
End If
If Request.QueryString("b") <> "" And IsNumeric(Request.QueryString("b"))Then
Chart.Width = Request.QueryString("b")
Chart.Width = cint(Chart.Height * 2.37)
End If
Chart.Aspect.View3D = False
Dim LastDateMonth, LastDateDay
LastDateMonth = Month(ArrayXValues(Ubound(ArrayXValues)-1))
LastDateDay = Day(ArrayXValues(Ubound(ArrayXValues)-1))
Chart.Header.Text(0)=Left(Header, 45)
Chart.SubHeader.Customposition = True
Chart.SubHeader.Left = Chart.Width*2 - 198
Chart.SubHeader.Top = 9
Chart.SubHeader.Text.Add(LastDateDay & " " & MonthName(LastDateMonth) & " " & FormatNumber(Round(Replace(ArrayYValues(Ubound(ArrayYValues)-1), ".", ","), 4), , , ,True ))
Chart.SubHeader.Font.Color = RGB(76,76,76)
Chart.SubHeader.Font.Size = 14
Chart.SubHeader.Alignment = taCenter
Chart.SubHeader.AdjustFrame = false
Chart.SubHeader.alignment = taCenter
Chart.Header.Font.Color = RGB(76,76,76)
Chart.Header.Font.Size = 14
Chart.Header.alignment = taLeftJustify
Chart.Axis.Right.Title.Visible = False
Chart.Axis.Right.Ticks.Visible = False
Chart.Axis.Right.TicksInner.Visible = False
Chart.Axis.Right.MinorTicks.Visible= False
Chart.Axis.Right.Gridpen.Color = RGB(220,220,220)
Chart.Axis.Right.Gridpen.Style = psSolid
Chart.Axis.Right.Labels.Font.Color = RGB(76,76,76)
Chart.Axis.Right.Labels.Font.Bold = True
Chart.Axis.Right.Labels.Font.Size = 10
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Ticks.Visible = False
Chart.Axis.Bottom.TicksInner.Visible = False
Chart.Axis.Bottom.MinorTicks.Visible= False
Chart.Axis.Top.Ticks.Visible = False
Chart.Axis.Top.TicksInner.Visible = False
Chart.Axis.Top.MinorTicks.Visible= False
Chart.Series(1).HorizontalAxis = aTopAxis
Chart.Series(1).XValues.DateTime = True
Chart.Series(1).VerticalAxis = aRightAxis
Chart.Series(1).Pen.Width = 3
Chart.Series(1).Pen.Color = RGB(220,220,220)
Chart.Series(0).XValues.DateTime = True
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.DateTimeFormat = "mmmm"
Chart.Axis.Bottom.ExactDateTime = True
Chart.Axis.Bottom.Increment = Chart.GetDateTimeStep(dtOneMonth)
Chart.Series(1).XValues.DateTime = True
Chart.Axis.top.Labels.DateTimeFormat = " "
Chart.Axis.top.ExactDateTime = True
Chart.Axis.top.Increment = Chart.GetDateTimeStep(dtOneWeek)
Chart.Series(0).VerticalAxis = aRightAxis
Chart.Series(0).Pen.Width = 3
Chart.Series(0).Pen.Color = RGB(220,220,220)
For x = 0 To UBound(ArrayXValues) - 1
Chart.Series(0).AddXY cDate(ArrayXValues(x)), cDbl(ArrayYValues(x)), "", clTeeColor
For x = 0 To UBound(ArrayXValues) - 1
Chart.Series(1).AddXY cDate(ArrayXValues(x)), cDbl(ArrayYValues(x)), "", clTeeColor
'2percent of min
min = Chart.Series(0).YValues.Minimum - Chart.Series(0).YValues.Minimum/100*2
max = Chart.Series(0).YValues.Maximum + Chart.Series(0).YValues.Minimum/100*2
Chart.Axis.Right.SetMinMax min, max
Chart.Axis.Right.Labels.OnAxis = true
Dim Randomname
Randomname = XML_UniversalDatetime (Now())
Randomname = Replace(Replace(Randomname, ":", ""), " ", "")
Randomname = Randomname & Rnd()
Chart.Export.asBMP.SaveToFile Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "apigraph\graph\" & Randomname & ".bmp"
Chart.Export.asEPS.SaveToFile Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "apigraph\graph\" & Randomname & ".eps"
Chart.Export.asGIF.SaveToFile Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "apigraph\graph\" & Randomname & ".gif"
Chart.Export.asJPEG.SaveToFile Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "apigraph\graph\" & Randomname & ".jpg"
Chart.Export.asMetafile.SaveToFile Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "apigraph\graph\" & Randomname & ".wmf"
Chart.Export.asPCX.SaveToFile Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "apigraph\graph\" & Randomname & ".pcx"
Chart.Export.asPDF.SaveToFile Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "apigraph\graph\" & Randomname & ".pdf"
Chart.Export.asPNG.SaveToFile Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "apigraph\graph\" & Randomname & ".png"
Chart.Export.asSVG.SaveToFile Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "apigraph\graph\" & Randomname & ".svg"
----- Original Message -----
From: Narcís Calvet
Newsgroups: steema.public.teechart7.activex
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: EPS format
Hi Patrick,
I'm able to open them using Photoshop, however yours gave me an error. Please find attached a TeeChart EPS generated file which I can open with Photoshop. Are you creating your files as shown on TeeChart features demo, available at TeeChart's program group?
Best Regards,
Narcís Calvet
"Important note: If you are a TeeChart registered customer, please post your
support questions at Steema's Support monitored Forums for customers:
http://support.steema.com for a prompter reply."
"Patrick Schalkwijk" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
I have created some charts in EPS format.
Which software do I have to use to view the generated EPS formatted file.
Because, all software I tried, I only get: damaged file, or errors while
reading the
generated file (ghostview, IrfanView, Ad Viewer).
Attached a file, generated by TeeChart. Can anyone see what's in it? If
so...please tell me the name of the viewer.
"Narcís Calvet" <[email protected]> schreef in bericht news:[email protected]...
Hi Patrick,
I'm able to open them using Photoshop, however yours gave me an error. Please find attached a TeeChart EPS generated file which I can open with Photoshop. Are you creating your files as shown on TeeChart features demo, available at TeeChart's program group?
Best Regards,
Narcís Calvet
"Important note: If you are a TeeChart registered customer, please post your
support questions at Steema's Support monitored Forums for customers:
http://support.steema.com for a prompter reply."
"Patrick Schalkwijk" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
I have created some charts in EPS format.
Which software do I have to use to view the generated EPS formatted file.
Because, all software I tried, I only get: damaged file, or errors while
reading the
generated file (ghostview, IrfanView, Ad Viewer).
Attached a file, generated by TeeChart. Can anyone see what's in it? If
so...please tell me the name of the viewer.